Nightcrawler oneshot

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name: Julia

looks: white skin and pink hair

crush: Nightcrawler (liked toad too but picks him)

Julia was walking around the gardens in the Xavier school like any other day. She was sitting on a bench surrounded by flowers, lost in thought as usual. Her thoughts were interrupted by Kurt teleporting before her, extending a flower to her. “K-Kurt! H-Hi,” Julia said, a little startled. “Hello mein Julia. I saw this rose and thought of you,” Kurt said smoothly. “Oh ah, thank you Kurt!” Julia said then taking the rose gently from his hands. “Vould you like to get ice-cream vith me later?” Kurt asked. “S-sure,” Julia said, pleasantly surprised. “I’ll see you after dinner Julia, bye now~!” Kurt said then teleporting away. “I guess I’m going out with Kurt tonight,” Julia thought to herself with a blush. “I really like Kurt, but I also like Todd. Ah well, what’s the harm in getting ice-cream?” Julia thought to herself.


Later that night, after dinner, Julia met up with Kurt outside his room. Kurt came out of his room and smiled at Julia. “Shall ve go mein Julia?” Kurt asked. “Yeah let’s go,” Julia said. They walked out of the Xavier school together and walked to the ice-cream parlor a few blocks away. They were talking casually and laughing a little As they ate their ice-cream. Kurt could sense that Julia was being much quieter than her normal self. “Julia vhy are you so quiet today?” Kurt asked. “Oh, am I?” Julia said, trying to bypass the topic. “Julia you vorry me sometimes. Vhat’s vrong?“ Kurt asked, genuinely concerned. “Why are you being so nice to me Kurt? Be honest with me,” Julia asked. “J-Julia I… I don’t quite understand what you mean by that statement. We’re friends and friends are nice to each other right?” Kurt said, quite confused. “S-so, you’re not giving me special treatment?” Julia asked. “No I don’t think so,” Kurt stated. “I knew it, he doesn’t like me. Why did I stray from Todd?” Julia said to herself. Julia got up from the table and ran off. Kurt was calling after her until she was out of sight.

“I shouldn’t have left the brotherhood, or fell for that blue elf. I need to go back, to Todd and everyone else,” Julia said to herself as she ran full speed. Julia found herself in front of the brotherhood house. She hopped the fence and knocked on the door. Todd, also known as Toad, answered the door. “Julia… What are you doing here?” Todd asked warily. “Todd, can I come back? I just can’t be an Xman. I’m sorry I left,” Julia apologized. “J-Julia I… I don’t know,” Todd started. “Please?” Julia pleaded. “You left us and I don’t know if I can trust you,” Todd said. “B-but Todd I love you! I was just worried about Magneto’s for Apocalypse us so I thought I’d investigate what the Xmen were doing about him,” Julia confessed. “Julia just go,” Todd said coldly, then slamming the door in her face. Tears fell from Julia’s eyes as she walked back to the Xavier school.

“I went from liking two guys to having no guys. I should have just kept my mouth shut,” Julia thought to herself. Julia was walking to her room when someone tugged on her shirt sleeve. She turned around and saw it was Kurt. “Julia, there you are! I vas vorried sick about you!” Kurt said then embracing her tightly. “Did I upset you? Vhy vere you crying?” Kurt asked, noticing Julia’s puffy face. “N-no I… It’s Todd’s fault not yours,” Julia said. “Tell me,” Kurt pleaded. “Okay, in my room though,” Julia said then opening her door, Kurt followed her in and then she closed the door.

“I was doubting myself so I went back to the brotherhood house and I told Todd I loved him and asked if he could forgive me and he said no and he shut the door in my face,” Julia explained. “Oh mein poor Julia. He’s gross and slimy anyway so it’s no loss,” Kurt said assuring, hugging her again. “He was my best friend, and I betrayed him. I don’t really blame him,” Julia said. “I’m glad you left the brotherhood to join the Xmen. You’re a great friend and a great fighter too,” Kurt said kindly. “Kurt… But when I talked to Todd I said I never truly believed in the Xmen, that I came just to see what would happen,” Julia admitted. “But did you truly mean vhat you said?” Kurt asked. “Well no, I was just blinded by feelings,” Julia said. “Then it’s okay,” Kurt said then ruffling her hair. “Vhat else is bothering you mein Julia?” Kurt asked, knowing something else was still bothering her. ”I can’t say,” Julia said. “Please tell me Julia?” Kurt pleaded in his cute Kurt way. Julia just couldn’t say no to him, she was in love with him after all.

 “Well, I left our ice-cream date because I thought you didn’t like me,” Julia started. “And before you say you’re my friend, that’s not what I mean. I mean in the romantic way. Kurt, I like you more than just a friend,” Julia confessed. “Julia… I finally understand what you meant by ‘special treatment’. And to be honest, I’ve always had a crush on you. I like you too,” Kurt admitted. “Kurt…” Julia said with tears streaming down her cheeks. Kurt wiped her tears away with his thumbs. “Kurt, can I see the blue fuzzy you?” Julia asked. “Julia I ah… Vhy vould you vant to do that?” Kurt asked shyly with a blush on his cheeks. “I like both of your appearances, but I prefer your natural blue fuzzy one,” Julia said, matter of factly. “Vell if you insist,” Kurt said then pressing his watch to reveal a fuzzy blue version of himself with golden eyes. “Much better,” Julia said then hugging Kurt tightly, snuggling in his arm fuzzy chest.

“Julia, can I do something?” Kurt asked. “Of course fuzzy one,” Julia said. Kurt placed his hands on Julia’s face and brought it closer to his, and met her lips in a gentle kiss. As Kurt was about to pull away Julia pulled him back into the kiss, she kissed him with much passion and want, he returned it. The two parted after a while, panting slightly. “Ich liebe dich mein liebe,” Kurt said in his native German tongue. Julia luckily knew what that meant because she had seen it in a movie (I love you my love). Julia responded by kissing Kurt’s cheek. “You’’ be mein right?” Kurt asked. “Of course silly!” Julia said. “I’m glad to hear it Julia. We’ll go on a proper date tomorrow okay?” Kurt asked. “I promise I won’t run away this time,” Julia said, half joking. “Then ve’ll go out to dinner tomorrow after drills,” Kurt said. “As long as I have some time to clean myself up,” Julia added. “Vell if you insist,” Kurt said then mussing her hair. “Vell goodnight mein liebe,” Kurt said then pecking her lips and leaving the room. Julia grinned like an idiot to herself and fell asleep with a smile on her face.


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