58 (NEW)

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Within a library, I gaze out of large windows, at the snow as a fireplace crackles behind me. I checked the beating off the to-do list...something Karen deserved. I lost three days of planning...now I can get to it without any interruptions. Karen was off in her room, obeying my orders of isolation. Now...the Dons, how will I take them out? I watch a blizzard kick up outside, which is full of whiteness.

How about some poetic justice? I grin, pushing myself to stand upright without the support of long sticks. Yes...perhaps this is a plan. I'll start with Don Weston, who started a fire and stuck around, he stated the pain progressed his soul to another level. Despite having to get face surgery afterwards. He didn't pass out in the fire...this time I'll make sure he will.

Don Xavier, a fucker who gets bigger on purpose, no matter the health risks. He has breathing treatment now and takes steroids. All because he has to be buried in a casket the same as his weight. That can be arranged.

Don Siciliano, greasy and slick as his appearance...a true snake, who does no fighting because he can't...he's nothing but a poser with hidden weapons. I'll make his treat satisfying.

"Hey boss, what's up?" I hear Sydney greet from a grand hallway.

I place my arms slowly behind my back, tucking them in close to hide muscle spasms. "Who can't I trust?"

Sydney enters the room, his blonde buzz cut becoming outgrown with his facial hair, he taps the heels of his shoes once face to face with me. Much like a soldier. "Dorian is suspect...he used the term new boss."

I pinch my lips together. Hmm...new boss, huh? "Any others?"

"The rest of the twenty are clean. The group that meets at the deserted construction site are selling our product second hand to the Dons. The word got out about your poisoning. Most are scared of the Dons more than they are of you, so they're flipping."

"What about you?"

Sydney nears closer to the window with good posture and a leveled chin. The only thing missing from his demeanor was an army uniform. "Once you've been to war no human is scary."

"How many have you killed?" I query, honestly interested.

"You wouldn't believe it...but trust me, I'll take out the scum." I turn my head to him, a little too quick that I get whiplash. My surroundings blur. My eyes cross. "You need rest." Sydney moves over to me, protectively.

I lose my balance and lean against the wall. "No...no, not until I get things organized." I raise a hand to stop Syd from trying to assist me, huffing uncontrollably. "How will you take them out." I deny his gesturing hand...his pity.

Sydney hushes up while reminiscing...and takes a look outside the windows to the falling snow. The fireplace crackles on behind us. "In Afghanistan, I did this signature kill...one that even had my general spooked. I'd been tracking three spies near our camp; I didn't inform the others. I wanted to deal with them myself." His blue eyes reflect the whiteness outside, shining oddly. "I let three nights pass and was the only one who knew the soldiers were hidden under a hollowed out rock. On the fourth night, I took a patrol and a set of knives. The enemy was hiding....meaning they weren't combat, just a few watchmen. I hunted them just to spite that. I painted my body with mud. I mimicked the sound of a bear to draw them out, then with the knives and darkness on my side, I slit their vocal cords, pinned each of them to a tree and skinned them alive."

"Damn..." I snicker. "That's brutal...and slow, might I suggest pouring vinegar over the watchmen this time?"

Sydney nods. "Of course..." He takes a deep breath, displaying uncertainty. "I don't think the Dons will be as easy to trap as their pawns."

"Not at all, but I've figured out another way. That meet site, how heavily is it guarded?"

"Sixty men," Sydney retorts swiftly.

I silently battle a quick flash of white in my vision. Feeling the area around my heart go desensitizing. "What time do the Dons arrive?" I press on.

"Five minutes before midnight."


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