thirty five

204 10 2

The surface wasn't too far off, and I could hold my breath a little longer now despite unconsciousness whispering in my ears again. I didn't know how I was going with this one, but I didn't want to leave my luck in the hands of something unreliable again and hope for death instead of doing the logical thing. I was shit at swimming on a five-feet swimming pool; not to mention an uncontrolled environment while a hurricane strikes ferociously to our mercy. It was like forcing a weight lifter to do ballet. 

I rise back to air for the first time, my mouth parting to suck in as much oxygen as possible before sinking back into the water, my arms forgetting to keep swimming. Coughs ripped out I my throat as the ocean made their way into my pharynx, jumping back into the surface again; this time getting a clear glance of the view ahead, my stomach churning. A monstrous wave accelerated towards me, gathering more water as it headed my way, the volume of it bringing chills down my spine.

"Cassandra!" My name calls with the storm, losing focus of the mass of water about to hit me in the face. "Cassandra! Where are you!"

"Sebastian!" I shrieked, my vocal cords being ripped out as I try to overpower the rain. I frantically look around me for any signs of life, the ripples brutally shaking the surface making it difficult to see anything. "Sebastian, I'm here! Help!"

That was when it hit me; the wave. A rampant pressure breaks through my entire head, pushing me back down into the water, my chest squeezing as the pressure increased exponentially. My efforts to swim back to the surface were no use, panic sweltering through my stomach like fire. It's either I try hard enough, or I die. If I had known such a day was going to come, I would've paid more attention to the swimming lessons I was forced in when I was a kid. I didn't stop, scoping my arms across and desperately pulling myself back to air. Exhaustion enveloped through my knees and elbows, my feet lungs begging for mercy the longer I remained underneath.

Eventually I go back up, wheezing for air again like I haven't had it in a millennia. I stay moving, the water currents still ruthless on my limbs as it dragged me away, small waves slapping against my face. I narrow my eyes and peer ahead, a head floating not too far from where I was, "Sebastian!" I howled, eyes widening in some sense of excitement. I brought a hand up and waved it around, still swimming with the other. "Sebastian! I'm in here!"

His eyes darted over to me, an expression of relief taking over his face before disappearing into the water, his arms splashing through the surface, swimming towards me. I wanted to cry. However, not for the reason I was sad or overwhelmed, but just because of utter exhaustion. It wasn't too long before he rose up to me, crystals of water dripping down his cheeks as he pulled me against him, firmly wrapping me into his blazer, my arms automatically interlocking around his shoulders. "Are you alright?!" He asked.

"No."  I say the truth, pressing my face onto his collarbone.

"It's alright, Niall's gonna come and put us on that boat, okay? We just have to hold on a little longer."

This time I wasn't going to let go. This time I would rather lose all sorts of decency than go back under the water. "What if he doesn't come back?" I close my eyes, my own words making my ears ring and my nails clench into his shirt. Of course he was going to come back. Niall wasn't one to break promises, but the thunder and waves were making it difficult for me to believe.

"He will!" He insists, the sound of his voice a comforting change from the wrath of the storm around us. "Because if he doesn't, I won't have competition in your heart anymore." He mumbled with a chuckle, running his fingers through the tangled strands of my hair.

I couldn't help but wonder. Would Bill worry? Would he even consider thinking about me by any chance the universe where he was mad at me still existed out there? I just want to go back home and be with Angel; possibly even tell her about the shit I put myself into. I know for a fact she won't believe me, but I didn't care. I just wanted to tell her for the sake of it. Even just the very idea that I won't be carrying this all by myself made me desperate for release. She would hit me in the head and tell me I've lost my mind, but that was still better than pretending none of this happened.

Angel Eyed (DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now