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"I-I'm sorry." I uttered, my cheeks squished in between her fingers.

"Of course you are sweetie." She smiles, her pearly whites almost blinding my eyes. She released my face and stood back up, placing back her cigarette into her mouth. "But you see, now that I've done a favor for you, why don't you do this one for me, eh?"

"And that would be?"

"Stand up and follow me." She instructs without further explanation, immediately strutting away from me, implying me to go after her.

I stood up against my will and began dragging the sack along again. Each step I made was utterly painful, my thoughts under the impression that my bones were breaking underneath my skin from exhaustion.

"Are we still invisible?" I ask out of curiosity, finding myself watching her just perfectly walk a straight line across the sidewalk like a supermodel in a runway. Meanwhile I looked like a stray cat, walking side to side as I struggle to hold in my chill.

"Not anymore, hon." She replies without looking at me, one hand on her slim waist while the other holds the the lit up stick. I was a few steps away from her, but even with the honking of the nearby cars and the sounds of the establishments, I could still clearly hear her. "So if you're planning on dry humping a hot guy again, I don't think it would be appropriate."

I stopped from my tracks, my throat choking on my own spit from what I just heard. Chills ran down my spine, a lump forming at the back of my throat. "What?"

She keeps on walking. "Oh yes, darling, I know about that."

I blinked repeatedly just to check if I wasn't under drug intoxication. I wanted all of this to just be a dream the moment I heard from her lips that she was a genie because there was no such thing. I might be a huge fan of fantasy books and television shows, but that's just because I know they would never happen in real life, and if something extraordinary did happen, everyone would just claim it's fake. But I was in the middle of one, and I was torn in between confusion and fear. Confusion whether I was being messed with, and fear that I'm actually losing my sanity. I was more worried over my mental state than my physical to even care if I'll get murdered.

And unfortunately I wasn't dreaming. All of this is happening in real life, otherwise I would've not been feeling pain on my feet. This is just like my math exams, if I may use the metaphor. I keep on trying hard to find solutions to the problem and the tangles of the straight lines, but I just can't, and complications keep on getting in the way. I keep on pushing away all the perplexity inside my head, but that's all there is and nothing else. Now I'm left with the complicated choice on whether I accept the truth being shoved into my face, or use my head and give rationality to everything despite not knowing how to.

Stella was walking even further away from me, and I wasn't going to let this get out of my grasp. I quickened my pace and ran after her, letting the sack sag through the cement.

"How did you find out about that?" I tried to catch my breath, syncing my footsteps with hers.

"I'm a genie remember?"

"Shut up, Genies don't read minds." I bickered, scanning her face for any kind of uncertainty that would give me answers to my questions. However all I found was frigidness and neutrality. It was like she already knows everything I have to say, and knowing that brings all the hair in my body to stand up.

"Some of them do."


"Oh please, Cassandra, don't use your knowledge on me.We both know that if you're actually a genius, you would've passed that math exam." She rolls her eyes at me.

Angel Eyed (DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now