Langst / Lancelot 2/3

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Part 2
3rd Person POV

Lotor was frustrated.

He was pacing through the halls, grumbling to himself as he heard his father talking about his plans for Voltron.

He absolutely hated how violent they were, and he couldn't believe he was related to such filth.

As much as he wanted to give Voltron a helping hand, the consequences for being caught were much too severe. Besides, with his history with Allura he wasn't exactly sure they would except.

As the hallway he was walking down became more silent, all his thoughts were shut out when he heard a distant voice he knew all too well...

"Okay Lance, remember to set up the bomb in the central area of the ship."

"I understand Allura, but this ship seems far too big to be-"

"Oh my god Lance just do it!"

The boy Lotor could assume was named Lance stopped talking. Following Allura's voice, he spotted a feminine body crouching over an Altean designed bomb.

He was about to draw his sword when the person turned enough to show their face.

Shit, they're hot.

Yeah yeah the space prince is gay get over yourself.

Anyway, the tan boy stood and looked over the bomb. Lotor immediately panicked, knowing how the bomb functioned.


Lance jolted in Lotors direction, quickly getting tackled by a guard.

Wait, did you think Lance was going to be okay? Didn't you read the title?

Lance groaned in pain at the felling of being thrown to the ground.

Lotor flinched and rushed over.
"Not so rough you moron!"

But it was too late, Lance was already passed out, and when he woke up, he was in an unfamiliar bedroom, snuggled in silk sheets.

Well, they definitely weren't silk, seeing as aliens wouldn't have access to human crops...

...and yet...

Just as he was realizing the safe exterior of the bedroom was nothing more than a facade, a tall, long haired, galra entered the room.

Although Lance had never seen this man, the vividly aggressive descriptions by Allura (which he admitted, even though his flirting was a joke taken far too seriously, stung; seeing as Allura was purposely trying to hurt him.) didn't make identifying Lotor hard.

Lance, in fear, pressed his body against the bed frame, quickly realizing not only that he had no where to run, but that the only thing he was wearing was one of Lotor's shirts.

Lotor noticed Lance's distress and chuckled in amusement, a small tint of pink dusting over his face as he took a moment to study the boy.

Lance expected Lotor to kill him on the spot, or at least have his guards come and take him away. Instead, a soothing voice that did not fit Lotor's dominating exterior.

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