Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning early and took my bra off and pulled a button-down shirt on leaving it open. I walked to my dad's room and peeked in but he was there. "I know I heard him come in last night," I thought out loud. I went back to my room and slipped on shorts and headed downstairs. I saw a note on the counter


Had to go back into the station probably going to be another long night again. Don't wait up and Daryl's welcome to stay over if he'd like.


I read the note and smiled I quickly took my shorts off and ran to the laundry room and throw them in the hamper. I walked back to the kitchen and pulled stuff out to make breakfast. I got the Eggs, butter, bacon, bread and pancake mix out and started cooking. After I was done got two plates out and set them on the table along with the food and o.j. and coffee. Daryl came down the stairs rubbing his eyes. "Somethin smells good," he said not looking up. "I cooked breakfast sit at the table. Do you take sugar or cream in your coffee?" I said. "Nah," he grunted. I walked over to the table with a cup of coffee and set it on the table.

He sat down and looked at everything. "Where's your dad?" He asked. I sat down in the chair across from him. "Had to go into the station said it'd be another late night and you could stay if you'd like," I told him. I stood up a little leaning over and grabbed the syrup from across the table. Daryl looked up and about choked on his eggs. "You okay?" I asked. "What're wearing?" He said looking down face red. "A shirt," I said confused. "Ya forgot to button it," he said. "Oh did I? Oops," I said smiling and sat back down. "Does it bother you?" I asked. He didn't look and just shoved food in his mouth. We ate in silence and when we were down he got up and started clearing the table.

I stood and stopped him "You don't have to do that," I said. "Nah, you made breakfast it's only fair I clean up," he said. "Daryl, why won't you look at me?" I asked. He hesitated but looked at me trying not to look down. "You should change," he said. "Why don't you like what I'm wearing?" I asked him. I could tell he was starting to get frustrated. "Yer 17 Y/N I'm 27 I could get in a lot of trouble! Now go change!" He yelled and stormed out the door to the garage. I finished cleaning everything up and headed upstairs.

I fell onto my bed and huffed. I couldn't wait to graduate in a month and then 18 in three months. I really don't think my dad would care if I was with Daryl he liked him a lot. He wouldn't arrest him would he? I took the shirt off and throw it on the bed and sat at my vanity. I started brushing my hair and then put light makeup on. I grabbed a pair of dark washed ripped jeans and pulled them on. I was about to put my crop top on when I heard Daryl. "Shit! Sorry," he said. I looked up and giggled. "You act as you've never seen that before Daryl," I said. "We talked about this. You got your shirt on yet?" He said. I smiled and put the shirt on my bed and just stood there.

After a little bit, I spoke "it's safe," I said. I was lying it was too much fun fuckung with him. He turned around and his eyes went wide "Jesus fucking Christ Y/N! Put your fuckung shirt on!" He yelled. "Makeup," I said. He just looked at me his face was red and his jaw was clenched tight. "Oh, are we getting made now because we're turned on by a 17-year-old girl," I taunted. I started laughing and put my hands on my hips. "Just put your fucking shirt on, pack a bag and meet me outside at my truck," he said and walked away. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my shirt. "And put a fucking bra on!" He yelled as he walked down the stairs. "Not happening Dixon," I muttered.

I packed a bag, grabbed my phone putting in my back pocket and grabbed my wallet and ran downstairs, slipped on my flip flops and headed out the making sure to lock it behind me. I walked out of the garage closing it on the way and walked over to Daryls truck. He was already in the driver's side so I jumped in the passenger's side and closed the door. "Where we going?" I asked. "Thought I told you to go put a be anon," he said. "Why are you looking at my tits Dixon?" I asked smiling. "Little hard not to when you're dressed like that," he said and backed out of the driveway.  "So where are you taking me?" I said. "You'll see," he said.

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