Chapter 23

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Andrea was sitting at the table filling the clips. Carol was in the back laying down and crying. Daryl was on the floor laying down in the wall way. I sat in the front thinking about the dream I had the other night. I was scared to go to sleep not wanting to have another bad dream. Daryl had stood up and threw his crossbow over his shoulder.

"I'm going to walk the road I need my gun," he said.

"I'll come with you I can't sleep," I said standing up.

"I'll come too," Andrea said.

All three of us walked out of the RV. We told Dale and walked off before he could say anything. Carol had walked out and up on top of the RV. To be honest I really didn't have any hope in finding Sophia. But Daryl was a good tracker so I had faith in him. If anyone could find her it was him. We walked down the road and then made our way into the woods where Sophia had gone over. We walked and Andrea walked beside Daryl talking to him.

I stayed behind them watching her closely. Andrea seemed to be one of those people that didn't like it when she didn't get what she wanted. Daryl started talking about when he was a kid he had gotten lost in the woods and eventually found his way back. No one had known he was gone with his brother in juvie and his dad off with some chick. He said he had wiped his ass with poison ivy. I had snorted and he turned around and smirked at me.

"Oh my god Dixon, I'm never letting you live that down," I told him.

"So you guys knew each other before," Andrea said.

"Yeah, we were neighbors," Daryl said.

"Daryl helped my dad out a lot," I told her.

We came across a tent and a man in a tree. He had hung himself and left a note attaching it to the tree.

"Got bit. Fever hit. World gone to shit," Daryl read.

"Wasn't smart enough to know to shoot himself in the head," I said.

Andrea looked like she was going to be sick. "Look at him hanging there like a pinata," Daryl said shining a flashlight on his legs.

"Walker ate everything off his legs," I said.

Andrea bent over throwing up the little bit in her stomach. "Thought we were changing the subject," she said.

"That's laughing at my itchy ass," Daryl told her.

We started walking away but Andrea stopped us. She and Daryl made a deal. An arrow for an answer. "Do you want to live?" I asked.

"I don't know of o have to or of its just a habit," she said.

"Not much of an answer. Waste of an arrow," Daryl said and shot the walker. We walked back to the RV and when Carol saw us she ran back into the RV. I don't know what she expected. Andrea walked over to Dale and got ready to go up in the roof. He had given her gun back and asked if she forgave him. She told her she was trying.

The next day we left a sign on the windshield of a mustang leaving food and water for Sophia. I got on the bike with Daryl and Dale and Carol followed in the RV with Andrea in the car Shane fixed up as we headed to the Greene farm. I was hoping Carl was alright and T-Dog got the help he needed.

We got to the Greene's lane and opened the gate. Once everyone was in I closed the gate and got back on the bike. We drive down the lane and pulled up in front of a house. The farm was huge it was if the world never ended being here. We walked over towards Lori and Rick. Everyone gave hugs and asked how Carl was.

"How is he?" I asked Lori.

"He's going to be okay thanks to Hershel and his people," she said.

"And Shane," Rick added.

I walked over to who I assumed was Hershel. "Hello, my names Y/N, I'm a nurse so if you need any help I'm glad to be of assistance," I told him.

"That would be much appreciated. Thank you," he told me and shook my hand.

After we all talked and everyone introduced themselves we headed over to a group of trees and helped father rocks for a memorial for a man named Otis the husband of Patricia. He had been killed while he and Shane went to a school where they had set up FEMA to get the supplies to need to do the surgery. We stacked them and Hershel said some words then Patricia asked Shane to speak.

"I'm not good with words," he had said.

I had noticed he shaved his head and started wondering why he would do that. Then Patricia spoke saying she needed to know her husband's death had meant so he did. Be repaid go us what had happened. But it didn't make any sense to me. I looked at Daryl and he had the same look as me. He didn't believe a word that Shane was saying. After the memorial, we set up camp at the group of trees only about 20 feet away from the house. 

Lori had told me how Rick gave Carl 3 pints of blood already and Shane twisted his ankle. Maggie Hershel's oldest daughter grabbed a map and brought it out to us. She spread it over the hood of the car and put rocks in the corners to keep it down. Rick talked about organizing the search in the right way.

"Not today you're not. You fave three punts if blood, you'll pass out in this heat," I told him...

"She's right, and you, you're ankle can't handle it you go out there running around you'll be laid up for a month," Hershel said talking to Shane.

"Guess that just leave me," Daryl said.

"Um, no that leaves me and you, " I told him.

"No, and we ain't arguing about it you're staying here," he told me.

"I'll follow the creak the best bet is she'll stay there it's her only landmark," he told Rick.

"Daryl Dixon I'm coming with you!" I said and glared at him.

"No," he simply said.

"I'd prefer your people didn't carry guns on my land. We've gone this long without making this an armed camp," Hershel said. Rick nodded and put his gun on the hood of the car.

"Those pills you got any more? Bandages any of that stuff," Maggie asked.

"Just what you've seen and I might have a few med supplies in my bag," I told her.

"I'll make a run into town," she told Hershel.

"Not the place Shane went?" Rick asked.

"No, there a town a few miles from here. I've made the run before," she said.

"Our man over there in the baseball hat, his name is Glenn he's our.... go to town man. He'll go with you," Rick said.

"Maggie nodded and walked over to Glenn and then Daryl started walking off do I followed him. "What're is ya doing?" He asked as he stopped.

"Told ya I'm coming with you," I told him and started walking. I could have him huff in annoyance and follow after me.

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