Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

The next day Rick, Maggie, Glenn, Daryl, T-Dog, Hershel and I all got ready to go find the cafeteria.  Carl wanted to go long but Rick told him he need him to stay there and be in charge of everything until he got back. Surprisingly Carl didn't argue or get mad he agreed to it.

We had taken gear from the dead guards and found a few smoke bombs and grenades, flash bombs as well. We found a can of spray paint that would be used to make arrows on the walls so we could find our way back.

Hershel and Maggie and T-Dog were the only ones to wear the chest plates. After that we walked into the guys of the prison. Carl locked the doors behind us.

We walked around a corner only to be told to go back because there was a group of walkers coming at us. Maggie and Glenn got seprated and in trying to find them Hershel was bitten. He had stepped over a walker think it was dead and it grabbed his leg bitting into the back of it. While Glenn and Rick helped him up the rest of us ran in front of them making sure to take any walkers out.

We had came to a dead end by double doors. But they were locked shut by handcuffs. T-Dog shoved his poker in between them and broke them. We ran inside and Daryl and T-dog tried to keep the doors shut while walkers pushed against it. Rick laid Hershel on the ground and took his belt off. He used it,as a tourniquet. I knew what he was going to do so I stopped him.

"Rick, wait! Let me do it. I've assisted in amputations before," I told him.

He nodded and handed me the axe. I took a deep breath and then started chopping through Hershels leg below the knee. It wasn't going to be a very clean cut but it was the best we could do with what we had. We found some sheets and pressed them to the stump. "We need to get him back now!" I said.

"Duck!" Daryl said and raised his crossbow.

Looking behind us I saw five prisoners staring at us. "Glenn!" Rick said and Glenn jumped up and found a steel table on wheels. We lifted Hershel up into it and then opened the door killing any walkers in our way. We rushed through the halls back towards the cell block with the prisoners behind us. T Dog and Daryl stopped in the common area while the rest of us ran into the cell block with Hershel.

"I need all the sheet we can find!" I yelled.

We layed Hershel on his bed and I started changing out the sheets. He was bleeding and fast. If I didn't stop the bleeding he would die. Beth and Maggie were a mess and rightfully so. Rick left and went back to deal with the prisoners. Lori and Carol helped me with Hershel. We propped his leg up on some pillows.

"We need to find the infirmary we need bandages and antibiotics. He's bleeding through these sheets so fast," I said.

We kept pressure on the wound and it started to slowly slow down bit he was far from being out of the woods. While Daryl, Rick and T-Dog took care of the prisoners the rest of on us stayed with Hershel. At some point Carl had gone off by himself and found the infirmary. He through a bag full of supplies on the floor beside me.

"Oh my god! Carl where did you get this?" I asked.

"I found the infirmary," he said.

"You went off by yourself?" Lori asked.

"Yeah, it's no big deal I killed two walkers," he said.

"You could have gotten hurt. Do you see this? This happen with the group," she said.

"But I didn't," he said.

"You could have," she argued. "Look I live that you want to help," she started but got cut off.

"Then get off my back!" Carl yelled.

"Carl! She's your mother you can't talk to her that way," Beth said and he ran off.

I bandaged up his leg and we had handcuffed him to the bunk just in case. The others came back with a bunch of food. They were going to help ther prisoners clear another cell block. While they were gone Hershel stopped breathing. Lori got to him before me and gave him CPR bring him back. After the others got back we told them what happened and they repaid to us that only two of the prisoners were now alive.

"So what happened?" I asked Daryl after I pulled him off to the side.

"We were in the Laundry room and the on guy tried killing Rick by throwing a walker at him so Rick killed him. Before that he killed one of his own after he was stretched by a walker. The look on his eyes saod it all Y/N/N He wasn't a good guy. Then one got away but ended up in one of the court yards with walkers so Rick locked him out. So he could be alive bit I don't know," he said.

"Damn. Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What about you he said looking me over.

I was covered on blood but none of it was mine. Some of it was from walkers but a lot of it was Hershels. "Yeah, I'm good," I told him.

Carol took Glenn outside with her. She wanted to practice doing a C-section. Hershel was down so he wouldn't be able to help. I needed someone else to help me when Lori went into labor. Hershel finally woke up and He was going to be okay.  It was a close call but he's fine. Well need to find crutches for him to use so he can get around. But he won't be able to do that for a few days yet so we had time.

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