Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

The next day Andrea had shown up. She had a walker on some kind of pole using it to deter other walkers. As soon as she was inside the gates Rick made her get down on her knees and checked her taking any of her weapons and her bag.

Afterward, we went back inside and she looked around. To me, she looks disgusted with where we were. She asked about Shane and we told her he didn't make it along with T-Dog and Lori but Lori had a healthy baby girl. She told us the Governor or Philip as she called him had told her we were the ones to attack them first and he came here to have a rash decision.

"Tell Philip I'll take his other eye," Daryl had told her.

Carol then took her into the cell block and introduced her to the baby. She still didn't have a name yet so Little Ass Kicker was what we called her. She explained what happened with Shane how he tried to kill Rick and let Randal out then killed him. She told her about how T-Dog saved her and Daryl finding her days after. 

After a few hours, Rick gave her a car that was in the garage area of the prison. He gave her the knife and gun she had back and she drove off back to Woodberry. She had said about a meeting with the Governor to talk everything out and would set it up.

After a few days Rick, Daryl, and Hershel went to the meeting. The rest is stayed back and made note of everything we had. Any guns, ammo, and any smoke bombs. Merle was running his mouth a usual. Saying about they needed to attack now while they could. Glenn and he ended up getting into a fight that we had to break apart.

Once Rick and then got back he told Hershel and Daryl what the Governor said. He had told him that he wanted him to give him Michonne and he'd leave us alone. Daryl told me Rick was considering it. That he'd talk to Merle about delivering her to the Governor. Of course, Rick talked to Merle about it but after a day he changed his mind.

When he went to tell Merle he changed his mind Merle was gone along with Michonne. Rick had rushed towards me and Daryl and asked if we've seen either of them.

"Have you seen Merle?" He asked.

"No," I told him.

"Last time I saw him he was in the generator room said he was looking for drugs," Daryl told him.

"Michonne is gone too," Rick told us.

The three of us ended up going to where Daryl talked to Merle last. We found some stuff that suggested he had planned to take Michonne with No one knowing. Daryl divided he'd go out and look for him. Rick then sat everyone else down outside and told us what had happened with the Governor. He told us that he wanted Michonne and he was going to cover her to him but changed his mind. But Merle had taken her and Daryl went after them.

"We're going to war," Rick said.

After a few hours, Michonne had returned to the prison alone. She said Merle was going to give her to the Governor but changed his mind and let her go. She had run into Daryl on the way. She said she understood why Rick did it and didn't hold anything against him.

It wasn't until after dark when Daryl had finally rode through the gates on his bike. He came into our cell looking distraught. He sat down and I could see his eyes were red and puff. He had been crying.

"Daryl, what happened? Did you find Merle?" I asked.

He nodded his head and rook a breath. "He's dead," he told me.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"The governor shot him and left him to turn. I found him chewing on a freshly dead body. I put him down," he said with his head down.

"Daryl, I'm so sorry. Come here," I said and wrapped my arms around him.

The next day the plan was for Rick to go to his home town. He knew where every gun was registered and he said he left guns and ammo on the locker at the station. Carl and no gonna were going to go with him and help. Then I thought about it my dad knew where every gun was registered in our town with him being the sheriff.

"I can go to my home town too. My dad was the sheriff he had records of where every gun is registered and he had guns in cases at the house you can only get in with a passcode. I'm sure they're still there," I said.

"Are you sure?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, it wasn't a very big town maybe about 100 or 200 people. I know the code to the cases and I can get the keys to the station for my dad's office," I told him.

"I'll go with ya," Daryl said.

"You don't need to do that," I told him.

"Ain't lettin ya go by yourself," Daryl said.

"Alright, we have a plan. Me, Michonne, and Carl are going to my hometown, and Daryl and Y/N will go to theirs. The rest if you get ready for when we get back," Rick said.

I went up to the cell and started packing my bag. It would be about half days drive back home and half-day back so we'd be gone all day not returning until after dark.

"Ya sure, you want to go back there?" Daryl suddenly said from the doorway.

"We need the guns and ammo," I told him.

"You ready to see that?" He asked.

"It's been almost two years Daryl I'm fine," I said turning and looking at him. "I can do it you'll be with me. I'll be safe, I said.

We got into one of the cars and followed Rick out of the gates of the prison. Rick went left and we went right once we got out on the main road. I watched out the window from the passenger seat while Daryl drives down the road. Was I really ready for this? I wasn't very sure about that. Seeing where my dad died was going to be hard. It was right there in our garage he was probably still laying there. Probably bones by now I couldn't remember if I closed the garage door before we rushed out.

This was going to be a long hard trip but it needed to be done. We needed as man weapons as we could get. We were a small group the Governor had more firepower. We needed to be prepared if we wanted to win this war. He might have more firepower, more people but we were smarter than him and his men. This trip was worth the bad memories and the good. Maybe going back was a bad idea or maybe it would be good and help put it all behind me.

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