Chapter 34

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This is short but hopefully more this weekend.

Chapter 34

Over the next 8 months, we jumped around. Running from hordes of walkers. We were running in circles now always backtracking. We would go one and be cut off by a horde. It seemed like some of those hordes ran into each other at some point and joined together.

Lori was much bigger now and it was move difficult for her to move fast. Someone always had to stay close by her and protect her since she couldn't do that herself. It seems that everyone finally forgave Rick and understands he did what he thought was right at the time.

We had pulled over to the side of the road. There wasn't anywhere we haven't been. Just running around on circles and that wasn't going to get us anywhere. We need s place we could try and make a home out of for a while. Lori was going to have the baby any day now. While everyone else stayed with cats and cleaned up me, Daryl and Rick went to see if we could catch anything. Daryl had started teaching me how to trap and track.

We walked along old train tracks Daryl had got a rabbit and a few squirrels. Rick stopped and was looking at something. Daryl and I stood beside him and looked in the same direction. There in front of us was a prison. Walkers were roaming around in the fences. They looked to be prisoners. "That's a shame," Daryl said. It was a shame all those people were left there to die. Rick had a smile on his face which meant he had an idea.

"You're thinking we take out those walkers and take the prison aren't you?" I asked. Rick looked over at me and just smiled more.

We walked back to the group and Rick told them about the prison. He told him he knew we could takeout the walkers in the fence. It was only about two dozen of them. We ended up driving to the prison and walked to the side of the gate. Rick cut a hole into the fence.

We entered the guard run and ran to the front gate. Rick instructed a few of us to go to the towers and the rest stay at the fences and take the walkers out while he ran to close the gate to the courtyard. Carol and Daryl went to one tower and Carl and Hershel went go another. Me, Glenn, T-Dog, Beth, and Maggie stayed at the fence on the guard run and Lori stayed at the gate.

Rick ran for the gate at the top and we distracted and took out the walkers. Once he got there he closed the gate and chained it shut. Then he went into the guard tower closest to him. "Light 'em up!" Daryl yelled and we all started shooting what was left of the walkers.

Once we were done picking off the walkers we grabbed our things and set up camp in the yard closer towards the top fence. We made a fire and cooked up the little meat we had. Rick walked the perimeter of the fence checking for any breaches.   Daryl stood on top of the overturned bus at the bottom gate. I got up and walked down to the bus and climbed up.

Daryl heard mend came over to help pull me up. "Thanks," I told him.

"What ya doing down here?" He asked me.

"Wanted to come keep you company," I said.

"Should have stayed by the fire where it's warm," Daryl said.

I smiled and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist. "I have you to keep me warm," I said looking up at him.

He rolled his eyes but I saw a little hint of a smile. "Pain in my ass. That's what ya are," he said.

"You wouldn't have it any other way," I told him. And looked down at me. "Mmhmm," he hummed.

I pulled away when I heard a small noise. Looking over there was Carol climbing up with two bowls. I went over and helped her up. "Here you two go. If I wouldn't have brought you, guy, and you wouldn't have got any at all," she said handing us the bowls.

"Thank you, Carol," I said.

I started to eat the small pieces of meat in the bowl. Carol started running her shoulder. "You alright?" I asked.

"The kickback on that rifle, I'm not used to it," she said.

Daryl put his bowl down and licked his fingers. He walked over to her and started massaging her shoulder. "Kinda romantic," Carol said.

I snorted out a laugh at Daryls face. He stopped and scuffed at her. "Wanna fool around?" She asked. I laughed even harder at that. "Stop," Daryl said rolling his eyes.

We walked over and started climbing down off the bus. "I'll go down first," Daryl said.

"Even better," Carol told him.

"Oh my God!" I laughed.

"Stop," Daryl said and got down first and then help me and Carol down. We walked back to the fire where Beth and Maggie were singing. Rick walked over and joined everyone as well. After the girls finished the song Rick spoke. Saying about getting rest because tomorrow we were clearing the courtyard and maybe a cell block.

The next morning thays what we did. Daryl, T-Dog, Maggie, Glenn, and Rick all went in and cleared the courtyard and shut another gate then they pushed in and cleared the cell block. The rest of us went in when Glenn came out to get us.

The place was an absolute mess. Papers and trash everywhere. T-Dog and Glenn were clearing out the bodies. There were blood and brains splattered on the walls of the cells. Everyone pucked a cell and throw their things in it. Daryl refused to sleep in a cell so he set up on the perch. Rick said we'd rest for the night and tomorrow we would try and find the cafeteria.

I picked a cell upstairs at the end. At some point, I would convince Daryl to join me. But right now I just wanted to relax and sleep in a real bed for once. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. There was definitely a lot more walkers in this prison. And I was planning on going with them whether Daryl liked it or not. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep once my head hit the mattress.

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