second time's the charm?

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i reach the hotel for the second time today. it's cooled off quite a bit, and the only light is from the streetlights. and, of course, i've suited up. i step into the lobby, and a lady at the front desk smiles at me. i smile back and keep walking. there's almost nobody here.

"hi, how can i help you?" she asks politely once i'm closer.

i smile creepily and lean on the front desk. "is there anyone staying here under the name rob?"

"last name?" she asks shakily, typing something on a keyboard.

"i don't know. anything under bobbi morse?" i ask, pulling out a gun. i hear someone's quick footsteps behind me.

"no, sorry."

as the elevator opens, i barely glance up before shooting the person in the head. i examine my gun calmly afterwards, not even looking at the receptionist, still leaning slightly on her desk. "have you seen any cocky SHIELD agents walking around?"

"my- my coworker said two agents checked in this morning," she says quickly, clearly nervous. "i haven't seen either."

"oh, one is dead," i say casually, standing up straighter. "i'm just looking for the girl. it's too bad you can't help me find her."

"wait, no, please," she gasps.

i shoot her without a second thought. i'm no closer to finding them, but maybe they'll find me.

i put my gun in its holster and i take the elevator up to the top floor. i climb onto the roof, scanning the streets.

"why did you kill him?" a male voice says from behind me.

i turn around to see another SHIELD agent- he has a hearing aid in his right ear. i check my weapons cautiously. "i was just following orders, it's nothing personal."

"this isn't personal either," he says, grabbing a bow.

seriously? a bow? what is this, the stone age? i throw a knife, which slices neatly through the bow's string. he pulls out an arrow like he's going to stab me with it, and i jump onto his shoulders.

"shit," he grunts, and i flip him onto his back. while he's recovering, i throw my grappling hook and swing to the building across the street- a restaurant, i think. i want them to watch each other die.

there's no sign of morse. until she punches me in the face. i fall backwards into an alleyway. i land in a dumpster, which cushions my fall. but... that's gross. she jumps down after me and i brush myself off.

"if you stay still, maybe your death will hurt less," i tell her.

"brave words for the girl covered in trash."

i jump out and land in a crouch. i straighten up without breaking eye contact. she punches me again. my head smacks into the dumpster and my eyes water. i wipe away the trail of blood coming from my nose. as i get back to my feet, she comes near me again, and i kick her away.

"i guess you aren't used to your opponents fighting back," she says, pulling out battle staves.

that's it. i pull out two more knives and stab at her. one grazes her cheek and the other sinks into her shoulder. she drops one stave in shock and i rip the other one out of her grasp.

"i was going to make this fast," i say, ripping the knife out. well, i guess i wasn't. i'm having fun. "which limb do you like the least?"

she backs into the restaurant's wall as i hold it to her throat.

"stop!" the other agent gasps. god, that took him a while. i roll my eyes and point my gun at his head. he stops.

"give me one good reason i shouldn't kill you both right now," i hiss. "just kidding, there isn't one."

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