houston, we have many problems

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i wake up at 5.15. agent barton should be here soon. i glance around at the other girls, all still fast asleep. i only know a couple names, but i have heard a lot of gossip. director carter hides her age well. i reach over and grab the key balancing precariously on the bedpost. unfortunately, i got a top bunk, which makes my sleeping situation a little difficult. at least the cuffs are comfortable- barton wouldn't let me take any that could cut into my skin. i didn't hate the pain.

the door creaks open the tiniest bit, and i climb down the bunk bed's ladder to greet my supervising officer. "just let me get changed," i whisper.

he nods and steps back out. there's a separate room where we can all keep our things- i have by far the least amount of stuff. i unlock my locker, which has two uniforms. it's actually quite spacious, but this could be because i have almost nothing in it. i change quickly and brush my hair before tying it back. there's no point in doing my makeup if i'm working out later. but i still put a bit of lipgloss on. i have a pair of runners and a pair of boots- i choose the runners. i grab the thin chain with alexei's engagement ring on it, slipping it over my head and tucking it under my shirt. my fingers linger over my file, but i can finish reading it later.

i walk out confidently, and barton takes my hand. i let him, just this once. his hand is still bandaged.

"maybe if you pass, i'll take you shopping," he says jokingly. i guess everyone else does have casual clothes.

"i'll pass," i say, looking straight ahead.


as i expected, the test was easy. i have half an hour to spare, so i hear back to the dorms, where the other girls are getting ready. i sneak past them and take my file. i climb back into bed and flip through it. a lot of the content is just theories. i take out a small envelope filled with scraps of letters. most are in russian, but i translate them easily.

dear james, the first starts in my handwriting, I got your letter. i also agree that our last session was very successful. if you are willing, i would like to learn about that technique you told me about. tomorrow evening, provided neither of us are on a mission, should work.
best wishes,

there's no date, but the edges of the page are torn. already, though, something doesn't- this isn't adding up. i put the page down and furrow my brows. i know james and i had to hide our relationship, but this is just cold. i shake my head and look at the next page, which looks like it has been torn out of a notebook. it's in morse code.

reason to believe the black widow has been enhanced. may be older than she seems. i translate.

how the hell did they think up that one? i'm inclined to believe that SHIELD is wrong, but i know russia hasn't been completely honest with me.

"natalia?" one girl calls right before i can look at the next note. "it's time to go."

i sigh, but tuck the file under my pillow and climb down. one thing is for sure- the red room would have a good reason to lie to me. SHIELD would only have bad reasons. ivan must've not given me a time period for a reason. i'll kill barton, carter, and morse before going back to russia. i'll even have information.

i stand in line, still slightly distracted.

"like i said yesterday, your SO's will be watching today. they, along with agent may, will be scoring your matches," thompson is saying. "the people with the lowest scores will run an extra mile."

everyone groans, and i pretend to be upset as well. honestly i don't care, i doubt i'll get a low score. even if i do, i could probably outrun all the other girls and some of the guys.

"you may choose your partners," he says, and ward's friends push him towards me. i beam at him. he just rolls his eyes. i reach forwards to shake his hand with my left hand, knowing it'll annoy him, and my sleeve pulls up a bit. he looks down at my wrist and then takes a step back.

"i knew you were foreign, but i didn't know you were russian," he hisses.

"what?" one of his friends asks, apparently overhearing us.

"remember that story agent thompson told us?" ward says, "about how director carter found dottie underwood?"

"shut up," i say, pushing my sleeve down, "now."

his friend grabs my hand and pulls my sleeve back up. i rip my hand out of his grasp and thompson finally notices us.

"all three of you can run two extra miles today," he says, glaring at ward when he opens his mouth to protest. "be quiet or i'll make it three."

i just nod and follow the group over to the sparring mats. i volunteer to go first- i think this is the fear that will make me calm.


barton catches up to me as i walk quickly away from the gym.

"that was impressive," he says.

"i didn't do it for you," i say, not looking him the eye. i step a little faster.

"i was just complimenting you. i know you're not used to that, but-"

i cut barton off when he jogs to keep up with me. he's literally taller than me. "yeah, well, where i come from, sweet talking means you want something. so what do you want?"

"i just want you to fit in, nat," he says, cutting me off so i have to stop walking.

i try move past him. "i know how to blend in just fine. trust me, you don't want to be my friend. it always ends badly."

"come eat lunch with me," he says, ignoring my comment.

like that will help me fit in. i'll just look like a suck up. "did you not hear what i said?"

"i'm not asking as your friend," he says, "i'm asking as your supervising officer."

i sigh. "fine."

he links arms with me and leads me to the cafeteria. it's uncomfortable for me, but he is my superior. even though he doesn't act like it.

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