Chapter 21

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Alright guys and girls, happy Super Bowl. Even though my team didn't win, I'll still update because I had fun. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 21

"In our kingdom's name we object on behalf of Prince Joshua!" Shouted one of the guards.

My eyes filled with tears and I looked at Alexander who looked completely shocked and unsure of what to do.

"Please. . . Just continue. . ." I whispered to the priest.

He nodded, but my father was close behind.

"Stop!" He yelled, "Neither of them received my blessing of the marriage, and they shall not be wed!"

I cried at the sight of the man whose presence just shattered my heart into millions of pieces. Our day was ruined. Our wedding was ruined.

"Father please-"

He cut me off, "I don't want to hear this. I am done with this constant reckless behavior," He started walking closer to where we stood.

"I love him!" I yelled.

The guards gasped, but my father stood there furious, with both myself and Alexander.

He was coming at Alexander who was planted to the ground as everything started happening.

"You!" He yelled at him, about to grab his neck before I jumped in front of him, and Alexander tried to stop me from getting in the way.

His hands were clasped over my neck and they tightened, I couldn't breathe from my mouth and nose and felt like I was dying, but it was fast and although the pain was extreme, it didn't compare to the pain of possibly losing Alexander for good.

"Let her go!" Alexander cried out.

Dropping me to the ground, I started gagging up blood, and the people of the town tried to help. The priest trying to calm my father down, Alexander trying to do the same but in a less friendly manner, the guards trying to take me, but George trying to prevent it from happening.

Lucille was crying in one of the benches, George was in front of me saying "Back away from the girl," sometimes they listened, others they only inched closer.

"You are mine until I give you away to someone who I believe is worthy." Father said.

"I'm not your's," I said, getting up off the ground and running over to Alexander's arms, stuffing my face under his. "I'm not your's anymore. I belong to him."

"You belong to the prince. Sieze the both of them!" Father demanded, and the guards took me from Alexander's arms, and they also took Alexander.

I yelled and cried and kicked and screamed but it was no use. We were out numbered, all of us were. People tried to help but failed and were violently hurt if they didn't give up. I wanted them to stop. They didn't deserve to be hurt because of me.

As they carried me, I saw the rose that was once pinned on Alexander's suit, laying what appeared to be almost lifeless and gloomy on the wood. The once beautifully bold rose was wilted, just from the violent fall it took to the ground. It was ruined.

We were both being carried out by guards, and we couldn't see each other, but we were still fighting. We still had hope.

Blood was on my dress that was once beautiful and a symbol of happiness, the dress that I was supposed to wear that day for him to see me in, the dress that was ruined because of my father and the king and everyone I hated so very much.

"Alexander!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as we were seperated.

They had horses and I was uncomftorably strapped onto one with a guard in front.

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