Chapter 44

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Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

Chapter 44

"Annabelle, Annabelle, don't, please, come on. . . Stay with me." Joshua said.

We had already fought off the other guards, it was just the villagers and the four of us in the halls again.

She didn't say anything. She was already gone. Joshua couldn't deal with it, he had lost the love of his life and his father on the same day.

"Annabelle, please. Please, I forgive you, honestly, I do. I'll say or do anything just please don't do this," he cried, she didn't respond. We knew she was dead already. We knew there was no bringing her back, but none of us could say that to Joshua. Not when he was dealing with it before him.

"I'm sorry, Joshua," I whispered. "This never should have happened. Not this way,"

"It's not your fault," He said. "It's mine, for letting her leave, because she stormed off from me, because we were in an argument because of what I said, that's why we're here. That's why she's dead."

"No it's not," Alexander spoke up. "You didn't know this would happen. She didn't either, none of us did."

"But if I forgave her, if I only forgave her, this never would have happened. No matter what anyone tells me, I'll always blame myself for this." He layed his head on her chest. "I never. . ." He pulled out the ring that I once wore on my finger "I never even got to propose."

"Joshua, we can't do anything to save her," I told him. "I'd save her if I could. . . I know she was a good person,"

"Don't say that," He told me angirly.

"Say. , . What?" I asked.

"Don't say was. She's not gone. She's still here." He was saying. He sounded crazy in some ways. I guess it could be considered beautiful, or poetic considering what he was saying, but how he said it was different, as if he refused to believe she was dead. "She's still here, we can get her help, she could've just passed out. . ."

"Joshua, the sword went through her, there's nothing we or anyone else can do." I explained gently.

"God, why did this have to happen to her? It should've been me. She doesn't deserve this," he sobbed.

"You're going to get better, whether or not you believe me now doesn't matter, but I know you'll get better. I know you'll find happiness again. And maybe. . . probably. . . not in a romantic way. But in a different way, you just don't know yet." I told him.

"How are you supposed to say that and expect me to believe you? I know you're not going to be here to support me. The minute I say you can go with Alexander you'll be out of here. I get it. For some reason I don't get my happy ending." He said bitterly.

I knew he was upset, he had every right to be. I'd say something similar if I was in his position.

"You hate me," Joshua said. "I know you do."

"I don't hate you," I told him. "I never did. . . I looked at you as a friend, even as a brother. I just never. . . Loved you."

"Why were you always so mean to me, then?" He asked.

"Because, I wasn't with Alexander. That's why. I was bitter and rude, alright? It was never about you." I told him.

"Just go," Joshua said. "I know you're dying to leave, all of you can go."

"Joshua, if you plan on having a funeral-" I started.

"I'll send the both of you invitations." he said. "Just please, go."

I nodded, "Let's go," I whispered.

Alexander nodded, he knew that I knew Joshua didn't want comfort. Needed, yes. But he didn't want it, and I wasn't going to force it on him.

"I can't believe she died," Alexander said. "I never thought in a million years. . ."

"I know," I said. "I know you cared about her. I know she was your friend, and that she helped save you from bleeding to death."

He frowned a little, "Yes, I owe her so much more. . . I feel like it was extremely unfair what happened to her."

"Me, too. I learned something from it," he looked at me. "I learned to never walk away from someone you love, the way she did. It wasn't her fault. Neither was it Joshua's, but if they ended things differently in their conversation, he wouldn't have so much regret.

"I guess I know now," He said. "To never walk away from you ever."

I smiled, and stood on my toes to kiss him, "I love you, I'll never walk away."

He smiled back, and replied, "Good."


"I want to thank all of you. For making all of this possible, and helping me get Elizabeth back," Alexander thanked all of the villagers as soon as we were outside. "I could never show you how much I. . . I mean, we, appreciate this."

Everyone smiled, some said goodbye to us, gave us hugs, I apologized to the few whose loved ones, mainly husbands died in the battle. They were all good people, sacrificing what they did. They were all people I owed my life to, each and everyone of them.

"If there's anything you ever need, don't hesitate to ask us." I told Ms. Madeline, for some reason I felt as though I had some sort of connection to her as a person. She was strong. Unbelievably strong. I admired her, I suppose.

She nodded, "Thank you, I was glad to help. She toyed with the small locket around her neck that I hadn't noticed before. "He told me before, that he would gladly die for you and Alexander." She smiled sadly. "He was. . . Going to die soon, anyways." I smiled sadly, back. I felt bad for her, yet I knew she wasn't the kind to want or need pity. "Here," She removed the necklace from her neck, and clipped it around mine. "He told me to give it to a couple like us- a young lady, who deserves it. And I can't think of anyone better."

I smiled, brightly for the first time in a long time, and hugged her warmly, before whispering in her ear, "Thank you."

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