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Now that it's raining more than ever

Know that we'll still have each other

You can stand under my umbrella

You can stand under my umbrella.

-Rihanna (Umbrella)



Nandini's Pov:

I sniffed in the scrumptious smell of the sambar. I simper when I was satisfied with my work on sambar. That's when my cell phone binged. It flashed Manik's name. He replied to my message. I unlocked my android to open the inbox. I saw his message and my lips curved in delight. Soha and Manik are arriving back from their date at the amusement park. Manik gave me the low down through the message. I felt euphoric today. This day was one of the happiest days. I surmise, my sweet sister Soha has returned to her old self. She seemed ebullient and frolicsome. I was perturbed about her capricious behaviour for a few weeks. She was not conversing to anyone like she usually does. My every attempt to converse with her was an unmitigated disaster. We had a squabble about the same. For a second she appeared to be a stranger. As if I had never known her in days gone by.

But today she was jovial and exuberant. A smile crept on my face as she wished me with a tight hug this morning. I am thankful to Aiyyappa that she is happy now. I am not able to articulate my happiness at this tick. I wonder how Manik felt all day. I was also disquieted about Manik. I couldn't see his doleful face. There were always crease formed on his forehead, which in turn caused crease on my forehead. It was intolerable for me to witness an unhappy Manik. I ought to do something so chronically to return his smile. But I could do nothing but wait. And now in the fullness of time, everything is back to normal. Manik and Soha have gone on a date today. They visited the amusement park. I hope they have enjoyed a lot. I am very much happy for them.

Thank You Aiyyappa.

Chachi nudged me out of my reverie. She raised her eyebrows asking me as to what was I ruminating about? I simply wagged signalling nothing. I and Navya helped her arrange the dining table as was dinner time.


I asked Chachi to go to bed, saying I would clean the dining table and Kitchen as she looked very much exhausted. I tidied the dining table and the kitchen, setting everything in its place. I then grappled the jar full of water and heeled towards Amms room. I pushed the door to her room and found Amms engrossed in a book while her spectacles nestled on her nose. I knocked on the door to grab her attention. She elevated her palpebra looking my way and then again she dived back into her book. I sighed and knocked back. This time she only nodded in agreement henceforth I stepped in the room to reach her. I set down the jar upon the side table affixed to the wall alongside her bed. I withdrew the medicine box from the upper drawer. I flayed out a tablet from its strip and then passed it to Amms. She tacitly sludged the tablet along with water. And she got involved back into her book.

"Amms, it's too late for you to stay awake," I vigilantly tote the book out of her hand and stow it into her small bookshelf.

"Amms, remember you are a heart patient," I said solemnly as I neared her.

"Why don't you understand you need to sleep on time," I said. "Why don't you give heed to my words. You like to pester me. Don't you?" I continued sounding enervated of explaining her.

MANAN - A DESTINED LOVE STORYजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें