•FIVE- Business and Bloodshed•

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Logan awoke the next morning, the happens of the night before still haunting his mind.

He sat up in bed, looking around the room. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"What am I going to do?" He mumbled to himself, before laying back on his pillow.

The thoughts he had last night started rushing back to him, but he pushed them into the back of his mind.

"I shouldn't be worrying about this right now.. It doesn't matter." He told himself, grabbing his phone. He immediately saw that Patton had created a group chat with the both of them and someone who was probably Joe.

Patton had texted in it, so Logan decided to respond after quickly marking the unknown number as 'Joe'.

Sat, 2020, 7:34

Pat💙<Hey guys! We should figure out
when we can get together again!

Yes, we certainly should.>

Pat💙<I'm free all weekend, are
you guys??

Yes, I am.>

Joe< Awe man, sorry guys. My
mom is dragging me to go
visit my grandma or something
today and tomorrow. Maybe we
can do it Monday night?

Pat💙< That's okay!! Works for
me, how about you Lo?

That works for me as well.
See you all at school Monday.>

Pat💙< See ya!!

Joe< :))

Logan sighed, shutting off his phone.

Looks like he had the weekend to himself.. which meant he was just going to have to stay alone.

At home.

..With his thoughts.


"Okay, class, please turn to page.."

Logan looked around his science class as he entered and the teacher gave directions. He sat down in his normal seat, and started following her directions.

After about half an hour, the teacher got everyone's attention.

"Okay, class, today we're going to be doing a project. This will take place over the course of about two weeks, and you will- with a partner- study the toxicity of different energy drinks. Then, you'll create a google slides or PowerPoint presentation and send it to me. This is due before class in exactly two weeks. I'm going to pass out a rubric, if you have any questions please ask me. I'll let you all pick partners. Please stay at a whisper."

Logan sighed quietly. None of his friends were in his science class, which meant he'd probably just have to be with some random kid he doesn't know.

Logan was about to ask a random kid to be his partner after he got his rubric, when—

"Hey, Logan! Wanna be partners?"

Logan turned around and blinked as he saw none other than Joe smiling down at him.

Logan felt his blood boil, and his fingers twitched, but he nodded.

"Okay, great!" Joe smiled and sat down next to Logan. "You seem pretty smart. That's gonna help, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do." Joe chuckled.

Mine- Yandere!Logicality, Book 1 (Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now