•FIFTEEN- A Failed Felony•

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Logan walked into class the next day to find the most horrible sight he could ever imagine.

Well.. he was expecting this to happen, but still.

"Okay! I'll see you in class, Rem!"

Logan watched in horror as Patton went on his tip-toes and kissed Remy's cheek.

"See ya, babes."

Remy walked away from Patton, and Logan sped up to take his spot.

"...Patton? What was that?" Logan asked.

"Oh! Well, Remy asked me to be his boyfriend last night, and I said yes!" Patton grinned.

Logan took a deep breath, trying to stop himself from doing anything. "That's.. that's wonderful, Patton."

"I know, right?! It's so cool!" Patton giggled.

Just then, the bell rung, and Patton sighed.

"Well.. nice talking to ya, Lo! I'll see you later!"

"Goodbye, Patton.."

"Bye bye!"

Patton skipped off to class, leaving Logan alone.

Logan clenched his fist.

He had spent all night last night researching different ways to kill Remy, and so he finally had a few tricks up his sleeve.

First, he would go out into the forest tonight to look for nightshade plants. Nightshade plants are very similar to cherry tomatoes, so if Logan made a salad 'peace offering', then it could kill Remy.

Logan wasn't sure if the 'peace offering' part would work, but he was willing to try anything at this point.


Logan sighed as he walked in to class. He glanced around the room, looking at all the students.

His eyes landed on Remy.

Logan twitched slightly. He was in this class?! How did Logan not realize?!

Logan frowned, sitting down in his seat.

"Okay, class! Today I planned a surprise lab! It's just something fun, and you're only being graded on participation. It will be partnered, and the partners were chosen by me. Once you get your partner, head to the place I tell you to go and read through the packet to complete the lab."

Logan looked around the room. He didn't know anyone in his science class. Looks like he'll just have to hope he doesn't do all the work...

"Okay! Here's the partners: Sam and Talyn in the back right corner, Tyler and Adri next to my desk, Logan and Remy in the back left corner..."

Logan and Remy made eye contact across the science room, and a scowl came over both of their faces.

"Great..." Logan mumbled underneath his breath.

"And.. that's it! Now head to your stations!"

Logan and Remy headed to the lab table located in the back left corner. It was the place farthest away from the teacher's desk. Not a good idea.

When they reached the table, they made eye contact again. Both flared at the other.



After their one-word greeting, and Logan briefly wondering why Remy always called him by his last name, Logan picked up the packet on the lab table and started flipping through.

Mine- Yandere!Logicality, Book 1 (Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now