•SEVEN- Slaughter by Seafood•

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⚠️TW: vomiting, laughing from going into shock, ..it's time. Sorry, Joe.⚠️

"Oh, hey Logan!"

Logan blinked as Patton approached him at his locker.

"Hello, Patton. Do you require anything?" Logan asked.

"No, just wanted to say hi. And say hi to Joe, heard your driving him home today!" Patton giggled.

Logan smiled. "I will. See you tomorrow, Pat."

"Bye bye!"

And with that, Patton left. Logan soon finished getting his stuff together, and met Joe in front of the school.

"You ready, Logan?" Joe asked as they walked to Logan's car. Logan nodded.

"Yes. You have the stuff to work on the project, correct?"

"Yup! And you ordered food?"

Logan nodded as they both got in the car. "I picked up sushi earlier from that place down the road." He lied. "Salmon, cucumber rolls, and.. something else I can't remember the name of." He let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, yay, sushi!" Joe smiled.

"I actually already tried some of the stuff I don't remember the name of, and I wasn't very fond, but I believe you may like it." Logan said. "If you do, it's all yours."

"Thanks, Lo!" Joe smiled again. Logan twitched- only Patton can call him that.

"You're welcome."

~Logan's House~

The two got to Logan's house, and went inside.

"Let's work on the project first before we eat." Logan suggested. Joe nodded.

They worked on a poster board and presentation for about two hours, chatting as they worked. Logan wanted to at least get Joe to do his fair share of the project before his eventual demise.

"Wow, I'm starving! You think we can call it a night and eat that sushi?" Joe asked. Logan nodded, leaving Joe to clean up as he went to the kitchen to grab the sushi.

His hand hovered over the pufferfish sushi, and he stopped.

Joe was going to die.

Joe was going to die!

Logan took a deep breath, staring at the poisonous food. He gulped.

Joe was going to die.



going to die.

And that was that. It's too late to turn back now, right?

Logan sighed, and brought all the sushi out to where they were working. Logan really just had to hone Joe ate at least.. two or three rolls of pufferfish sushi.

Logan set the sushi on the floor, next to where Joe was sitting.

"Salmon, cucumber, and the other one." Logan pointed as he spoke. Joe smiled, grabbing a piece of deadly sushi.

"Looks good!" He chuckled as Logan grabbed a cucumber roll. "Bottoms up!"

Both boys popped the sushi into their mouth at the same time. Logan quickly gulped his down, and watched Joe carefully.

He swallowed it, thought carefully for a split second, before his face lit up.

"Wow! That's good! Weird aftertaste- almost tastes like beans for some reason- but it's good!"

Mine- Yandere!Logicality, Book 1 (Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now