Chapter 1

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My eyes fluttered open, feeling an arm across my body. Quickly I pushed it off and sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I glance down to see myself completely naked. I roll my eyes shutting them, glancing over my shoulder to see some dude shirtless and fast to sleep. I turn back around scanning the room in the dark. I stand up, my bare feet hitting the carpeted floor. I bend down feeling clothes in the palm of my hands. Quickly I snatched them and ran out of the room.

Out of the room a light appears in what looks like the living room. I quickly slip on a shirt, and slip on underwear and jeans. As I slowly make my way over to the living area I see a little boy fast asleep on the couch. My eyes widened and my jaw sets. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I whisper, shutting my eyes. I look back to where I came from. I just had sex with some guy who's kid probably heard us. I roll my eyes and slip on my boots heading to the door, seeing my purse and keys, along with my phone. I grab it all, open the door and rush out of the apartment.

I make it outside, where the breeze runs cold. I shiver at the air, but quickly make it to my yellow beetle car. I open the door and hop in, slamming the door shut. I lean my head back for a moment before beating on the steering wheel with my fists, yelling at myself. Until I hear my phone ringing. Quickly I reach over to the passenger seat and look at the caller id.

Beca: Hello?

Fat Amy: Beca! Where are you?

Beca: Hell if I know.

Fat Amy: Wait..What do you mean?

Beca: Doesn't matter. I'm on my way back.

Fat Amy: Well you better hurry. Emily's being weird.

Beca: Weird how?

Fat Amy: She's drunk.

Beca: Alright. Just tame her. I'll be right there.

Fat Amy: Alright. Fat Amy out!

I shake my head hearing the phone call go off. I toss the phone to the side and place the keys into the ignition, starting up the car and pulling out of the parking lot. A sharp right I make and start my drive to my own home.


I pulled the car up to the garage, slipping out and then slamming it shut. I made sure to grab everything, especially my phone before locking the doors. When I went up to the front door the door swung open to reveal Amy with crazy, messed up hair. I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows only to glance behind her to see a knocked out Emily. I roll my eyes and push past the Australian walking over to the brunette haired girl.

"Did you have to tie her up?" I ask, my eyes scanning Emily with her hands bound behind her back and her ankles tied together with a piece of tape over her mouth. I turn around to hear Amy sigh loudly. When I turn I see her plop down onto the chair and relax.

"She was out of control Beca!" Amy shouted, a heavy sigh escaping once again. "I mean she was being so dumb. Much more than usual! And you said to tame her...So I did." I shake my head and toss my purse to the side.

"Yeah I said tame, but not tie up," I pause a moment placing my hands on my hips. "I mean what the hell Amy? You could've just put her in a room and locked her in it." Silence filled the air as Amy's lips separated, an 'o' shape forming. I shake my head till I hear the doorbell. I turn on my heels and walk to the door. My hand grabs the knob and swings the door open. There I'm met with blue eyes and gingerish hair. "Ruby?"

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