Chapter 8

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The weekend came too quickly. And before I knew it I was sitting on the couch on Friday night, 6:45 p.m when the doorbell rings. I bite my lip trying to get up off of the couch, still feeling sore from the wreck. Pieces and pieces coming back from what had happened. But there was a point where I just passed out. I'm glad I did. A sigh escapes my lips, breaking my own thoughts as I manage to get up off of the couch, clenching my side as I limp, better than I had been, over to the door. I unlock it and open it up to see Ruby standing with a pillow clutched to her stomach. A small smile inches to my lips as I move aside and she walks in. I shut the door and lock it turning around to see her eyes lock on me.

"This is so ... weird," she admits, looking around. A little chuckle escapes my lips as I shake my head at her. She finally turns and our eyes lock. "Like this is really weird. I know I've been here before and stuff but I haven't gone past this room.

"Well, you're going to have to get used to it," I chuckle walking towards her and pass, heading to the stairs. I hear her follow behind me until we reach the top of the stairs. We walk down a couple doors till I turn to the right and put my hand on the knob. I glance over my shoulder and see Ruby's impatient stares. A chuckle escapes my lips and I shake my head before opening the door and stepping out of the way. Ruby walks past me and into the room, her eyes looking all around. I take a step in and lean against the doorframe, my own eyes taking a look around. Emily and Fat Amy had redecorated it made it more Ruby. I take a look, glad it doesn't look like garbage.

"This is...AMAZING!" Ruby runs over to her bed and slips off her book bag and sets down her duffel bag. Her pillow is placed down as well, as she spins around, our eyes meeting. "This is so cool! You did all of this...for me?" I nodded my head up and down, a smile growing bigger.

"Along with the help of Em and Amy," I say, not wanting to take all the credit even if I didn't do anything. Ruby smiles and nods walking over to the right to where a bay window sits. She takes a seat as I stay where I am, watching the young girl. A smile staying attached to my pink lips.

"Why aren't you coming in?" Ruby suddenly asks. My ears perk up and I look down to the ground taking another step in, taking a look around once more. "Beca?" I take another moment before looking at the young girl and walking over slowly, taking a seat beside her. My eyes glance out of the window to see it beginning to lightly sprinkle. I bite my lip turning back around, my fingers gripping onto the wood of the seat we sit against.

"When Chloe was staying here this was her room," I finally speak. "We all had our rooms and I know me and your mother were together, she still had this as her room. For her and her only even before we got together." Silence filled the room as my eyes looked straight ahead at the wall where sat a white desk.

"What did it look like?" Ruby asked. I turned my head and looked to Ruby, gently placing my hand on her lap.

"It had white walls, a queen sized bed. Modern colors, which is odd for Chloe," I pause looking at the room. I pointed straight ahead. "That wall there was covered in polaroid pictures of your mom, me and the rest of the Bellas. And there was a picture that sat on this wall over here. Just some painting, I don't even know why she had it. And then she had this one picture of us performing on the USO tour. I'll have to ask the two where they put it." I look back at Ruby after a second to see her looking around. I smile and nod, standing up. "Alright, you settle in. I'm going to go order pizza. Cheese right?" Ruby's head nods up and down and I nod back exiting the room. I head down the stairs and back to the living room where I grab my phone seeing several text messages. The most important one from Chloe.   


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