Chapter 5

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We drove on to the school that was about a 20 minute drive from where I live. We've been driving for about 5 and all I see is a smirk against Ruby's face out of the corner of my eyes. I shake my head every minute or so when I catch a glimpse of it, but keep my eyes on the road, till we come to a stop at a red light. There I turn my head looking to the blue eyed girl.

"What's with the smirking?" I ask, seeing her head slowly turn. Our eyes lock and she shakes her head still with a smirk on her lips. "Ruby, I know that look. I invited that look so tell me, what's with the smirk?" A chuckle escapes Ruby's lips as she turns around facing forward pointing up. I turn my head to see the light turn green. I shake my head taking a left and continue to drive, silence filling between us once more when I hear another chuckle escape from her lips.

"That's the most I've seen you two interact," Ruby finally speaks. I bite my lip, looking out of the side of my window for a second then looking back to the road. "Not going to lie, I didn't know they'd call her or she'd show up to your house."

"Yeah, but she did," I say, softly. My mind is playing back the moment in my head. "Guess we're even then." A chuckle escapes from Ruby's throat. I glance over to see her shaking her head.

"Even? You didn't have a reason to show up at her house two days ago and she sort of did. But she didn't have to. She could've texted," Ruby chuckles rolling her eyes. I shake my head making a right turn. I remain silent as we keep traveling to the school knowing it's killing Ruby but I just shrug it off looking out to our surroundings. Soon after, I pull into the school parking lot seeing so many kids walking towards the building. I pull up right to the entrance and look to Ruby. She sits there a moment staring straight out.

"Kid, you got to go," I say, pointing out her window. Her head turns and our eyes lock. I look at her blue eyes. They're beautiful.

"Let's just blow it off," Ruby suggested. I laughed out loud and shook my head leaning my head back against the seat. "Ah, well worth a shot." I nodded and saw Ruby grab her bookbag and go to open the door. "I take it you won't be picking me up?" I shrug my shoulders with a small smile on my lips.

"I don't know, it sounded like your mom was mad at you, which is understandable. I would be too," I said. Ruby nodded and looked out to the school. "Alright go! Call me or text me tonight." Ruby's head nods up and down before climbing out and shutting the door. I watch her walk up to the building and before I leave I see her head glance over her shoulder. A smile formed on her lips and she picked up her hand waving at me. I wave back, pressing a smile to my own lips. She turns back around and heads into the school. I dropped my hand and put the car back into drive. I start heading out of the parking lot and back onto the highway when I hear my phone beep. I reach into my pocket of my jeans pulling it out. I slow down a moment, but continue driving glancing down to see a text. I look back up to see a car coming right at me. Quickly I drop my phone and swerve to the right feeling the car hit and flung. My head and body flinging and hitting everything till finally it crashes. My body shifted forwards where my head hit the steering wheel and my eyes closed blackness surrounding me...


My eyes flutter open to soft kisses up and down my arm. A smile forms on my lips as I turn over in bed, meeting deep blue eyes. "You sleep too much," Chloe hums tilting her head. I roll my eyes keeping them closed when I feel her fingers gently rub my bare arm.

"And you tease too much," I play hearing a little chuckle escape the ginger. My eyes open to see the ginger smiling, watching her fingertips trace my skin. I reach up to grab her hand, removing it from my skin and hold it, giving it a tight, comfortable squeeze. I reach my other hand up, placing it on her cheek, rubbing my thumb back and forth looking into the depths of those blue eyes. Neither of us speak, we let the air between us become silent except for our soft, gentle breaths. Until I lean my head up, locking our lips, closing my eyes. Her lips are soft, gentle but yet so devilish that I love the taste of them. I pull away gently, biting her lip pulling them with me as I pull away. I let go and opened my eyes to see her smirking.

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