Chapter 3

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        "I'M NOT A FUCKING KID!" Emily's voice shouts through the house as I walk through the front door. I shut the door, locking it behind me while putting my bag off to the side. Slowly and quietly I walk to the kitchen to see Amy and Emily having a full on argument.

"REALLY? NOT A KID! LOOK AT THIS FUCKING KITCHEN!" Fat Amy shouts back. I stand in the doorway looking around the kitchen. It was a mess! Food everywhere, even all over Emily.


"OR MAYBE YOU SHOULD FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO LIVE!" The words escaped Amy's lips and my eyes widened as I turned my head to look at Emily's shocked face. "Go on. Pack your stuff and leave." Silence filled the air as Amy turned and our eyes locked. We didn't say anything as she sighed and walked out of the kitchen, heading up the stairs. My eyes went to Emily who clenched her jaw and walked towards the backdoor. I stood where I was for a moment before following Emily. I open the backdoor stepping out onto the porch to see the young girl sitting on the first step of the porch. Carefully I walk over, looking around the small backyard before taking a seat beside the brunette.

"Hey...You okay?" I ask, setting my hands in my lap, waiting for a response. The air becomes silent between us. I let it, not wanting to push the girl into anything till I hear a soft, gentle sigh escape from her lips.

"Yeah..." Her voice trailed off and I looked to her face, seeing her side profile but enough to see tears filling her eyes. With no words escaping my lips, I reach my right arm over, wrapping it around the girl and pulling her close, hugging her tight. I soon began feeling tears soaking up my shirt. I let it happen, knowing I told Em that I would always be here for her, be there for her. No matter what was going on in my life I would be there. I would be the shoulder she cries on, the person to lay on when they've had a bad day, whatever. But most importantly I'd be one to listen to her.

"I know..I know you guys are disappointed in me," Emily mumbles through my shirt. I stare out into the yard shaking my head.

"No we're not Emily. Why would we be?" I ask, my head still shaking from side to side. I felt the young girl lift her head up. I turn my own head to lock eyes with her hazel ones. I tilt my head to the side and reach up my hand, cupping her cheek before rubbing my thumb back and forth to wipe away the tears.

"I haven't been..been who I should be. I'm not the same Emily Junk I was in college when I auditioned for the Bellas or when we went on the USO tour. Or since I graduated, i can't get my mind to work..properly."

"Em...You're doing fine," I speak, pausing a moment watching her face. I watch her eyes close and her head shake. "Does your behavior with the drugs and the drinking have to do with you and Benji breaking up and the new guy you've been seeing?" Emily's eyes open quickly and complete shock covers her face. "What? I notice things Em."

"I thought nobody knew I was seeing somebody..." Her voice was quiet, tears filling her eyes again. I looked away from her face a moment before looking back.

"I do..I know mostly everything Em-" I pause then continue. "But Em if he's not treating you right because to me it doesn't seem like he is, getting you involved with drugs and heavy drinking then maybe you should end things." Emily's head nods up and down.

"I just...I don't want to be alone..." I clench my jaw and wrap my arms around her once again.

"You won't be. You've got me. You've always got me even on the days I'm extremely busy. You've got me." We stayed there for a moment. I close my eyes and think of a song to help the moment. When it finally hits me.

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby, there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be
Your papa-paparazzi
Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby, you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

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