Chapter 18

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My hands run through my hair as I walk out of the bathroom. I put the towel that had been placed on my head, in a bin next to the bathroom and headed towards the living type area of the suite. There I find Chloe looking out the window, just staring. I tilt my head and stay where I am. My feet cross over one another, my arms crossing over my chest. Neither of us speak. She admires the night sky while I admire her.

"You're staring," I hear her finally speak yet still she keeps her eyes on the night sky. I bite my lip and walk over to her, gently taking a seat on the couch in my robe. Once I sit I feel her hand reach over and grab a hold of mine. She squeezes my hand once...twice before she just lets her hand sit there, our hands sit there. A small smile creeps to my lips as I look to the night sky seeing stars glistening high into the dark sky.

"Beca..." I hear her voice trail off so I slowly move my head to the side to see her eyes locked on mine. My smile vanished, my eyes questioning her but not as much as my mind. And I see her lips part, but she says nothing. She looks away and looks to the ground. Gently, I squeeze her hand this time causing her to turn her head back to me. Our eyes locked once again.

"Chloe... I had fun tonight. More fun than I've had in 7 years," I whisper, gently. A tiny smile builds onto Chloe's lips as she looks away, looking to her lap. I admire her side profile. I take in every feature of her. Remembering how much I loved it all.

"You're doing it again," she chuckles. I get out of my gaze and smile, looking down to the ground shrugging my shoulders. "I can't be that interesting Bec."

"But that's the thing Chlo. You are-" I pause a moment letting my eyes look over her many, many times. Before finally her head turns and I meet her beautiful blue eyes. I reach my other hand up, that's not holding her hand, and place it on her cheek. My thumb smoothly rubs back and forth against her cheek. My eyes look back and forth between her eyes. "You are beautiful. You're a piece of art that I can't ever get enough of..."

"You know that was really cringey," Chloe chuckles. I shake my head and drop my head, chuckling too. But not before long do I pick my head back up and meet Chloe's eyes. "But it was cute."

"Well what can I say?" I look back and forth between her eyes.

"Don't say anything just-" Before she finished I felt her lips plant onto mine. I close my eyes seeing her own close. I tilt my head, keeping our lips locked, making the kiss more passionate when I feel my lips lift off of hers and slowly kiss down her jawline and down her neck. But I stop on her neck, kissing slowly and beginning to gently suck. I hear soft moans escape the gingers lips, feeling her hands mess with my hair as I push her down onto the couch, laying on top of her. I continue to kiss her, sucking every now and then. Her fingers run through my hair and soon trail down to my back. Her fingernails dig in every time I suck a little rough on her neck.

I lift my head a tiny bit looking up to her. Her eyes met mine and determination was filling her eyes. "Are..Are you sure?" I ask, my voice in an undertone. The girl slowly nods her head up and down. I tilt my head, needing a verbal response. She bites her lip looking up to the ceiling.

"Yes..I'm s-sure," she whispers. I nod and lean back down not before untying her robe, slipping it off of her shoulders. There I trail my fingertips up and down her smooth and soft skin. My lips soon press against her skin, gently. Kissing on her chest before slowly making my way down on her breasts. I reach one of my hands down her leg, gripping her thigh. I hear her breathes become uneven, the air from her lungs gone. A soft smile reaches my lips as I continue kissing around her chest and breasts. My hand slowly trailing up and down her inner thigh, feeling her flinch every now and then.

And before long I move my body and shift down, moving my hand inward towards her clit. I reach into her panties, sliding two of my fingers in, slowly moving in circles around her clit. I glance up to Chloe's face seeing her biting her lip. I bite my own lip, looking back down and beginning to slide my fingers down feeling wetness all around. I shut my eyes a moment, before reopening and slowly sticking my fingers in.

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