Chapter 23

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Emily's POV

I stayed frozen in the spot after Beca had left the kitchen, just trying to process what she said. "Give myself up'. I get why she would. She would do anything for her daughter, but giving herself up that could lead her to her death...She can't. I have to stop this. Quickly, my legs jolt forward hearing the front door open. I ran out the kitchen, making my way to the living room. When I get in there, my hazel eyes catch the door closing. I look to the living room space seeing Amy still asleep and Chloe cozied up on the couch. I bit my lip and turned my head back around to look at the door. I run forward, wrapping my fingers around the knob and swinging the door open only to come face to face with blue eyes.

"Ruby?" I tilt my head, a relief feeling filling my chest as I step forward wrapping my arms around the young girl. She hugs me back, and we stand there for a long moment. When we pull away I look her over. Examining every inch of her face. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"I'm f-fine. Nothing happened. I was stuck in a trunk for a bit..." Ruby's voice trails off as she runs her hand through her hair. "Then I was in a warehouse. That stupid idiot, Jake took me."

"Chloe's ex? The one who showed up here?" I ask, seeing Ruby nod her head up and down. I nod my own head looking past Ruby, remembering Beca. "Ruby, how are you here?"

"I escaped. I hit Jake with a baseball bat and ran." I nodded and bit my lip, concern washing over my face. "What's that face for? Emily?"

"N-Nothing. Um lets get you inside." I take her hand, seeing no sign of Beca, and trying her in. Inside we are interrupted by Chloe running over and attacking Ruby with hugs. I let go of Ruby's hand and let Chloe have this moment, even when my brain's freaking out. I bite my lower lip and mess with my fingers, nervously. My eyes watch the two interact. Their voices faint as I stare at them. And at that moment I coughed to clear my throat.

"Um..Ruby, why don't you go up and take a shower. Maybe change," I say and then turn to Chloe. She tilts her head at me but before any of us could say anything I saw Ruby turn on her heels and head for the stairs. I wait until the girl's completely out of view before I turn to Chloe, meeting her blue eyes. She crosses her arms over her chest and I look down to the floor, shutting my eyes, feeling ashamed.

"Emily, what's going on?" Chloe's questions as it begins to linger in the air. I slowly pick up my head and shake my head from side to side.

"Beca left to give herself up to Jake who had Ruby. But since Ruby's back and safe, Beca's giving herself up for nothing. And her giving herself up couldleadtoherdeath," I say, making the last part really fast. For a moment Chloe's facial expressions went from shocked, concerned, confused, shocked again and then worried and angry and sad at the end. But she didn't say anything. Instead she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Within a few moments she placed the phone to her ear and waited. And waited, and waited and waited. Till she finally pulled it away from her face and looked straight into my eyes.

"We need to do something and we need to do something now!"


Ruby's POV

I turned on my heels fast and ran up to my room after Emily had suggested. As I made my way into my room, I realized the door had been shut. Which is possible since I haven't been here. So I slowly walk up to it, opening it. My eyes scan the room not noticing anything out of the blue till I notice a piece of paper on my bed. Slowly, my legs guide me over where I see my name written neatly in cursive writing on top. My arm reaches out, my fingers connecting as I pick up the paper and open it up. My eyes began to scan as my mind begins to read the words written.

Dear Ruby,

              Hey kid. I know this is going to sound weird and stupid and totally not what you want to read right now, but I do have to say some type of goodbye... Ruby, you are the greatest person I've ever got the chance to meet. You amaze me every day. Literally. You make me see things in a new perspective and you do things that while I may dislike at the point but help me overall. Especially what you've done with me and your mother. You two are the best parts of me and I couldn't live a life without either one of you. And we've had our differences. We've had our fights and things like that, but in the end we're always there for each other. And that's mainly due to the fact that me and your mother made a promise when you were born. We promised 'Always and forever'. Till this day I still stand by that, even if me and your mother were apart for 7 years. Somehow we were brought back together. I think...I believe that's because of you Ruby and the universe. And I want to thank you. For everything. All the memories. The smiles. The laughs. The funny faces. The ice cream. The movies. The cuddles. The not giving up on me. The tears. The good. The bad. Just everything kid. You are truly one amazing kid, Ruby. You've grown up so well. And I know you're going to keep growing and keep being the light for anybody who comes and goes in your life. So, never lose that light. Never give up. You fall down, you get right back up. Because I know you're strong Ruby. You're so damn strong! I see it in you everyday. No matter what situation you're in. You're so damn strong. And I couldn't be prouder.

             I wish I had more to say. I really do. But unfortunately I don't but that's okay. Because Ruby I'm always going to be in that heart of yours. I'm always going to be part of you no matter what. You can't get rid of me that easily. So I want you to listen to me. I love you. I will always love you. Through thick and thin. Through life and through death. I will always, always, always love you. Always and forever. I love you kid.

                                                      Beca (momma)

I close my eyes, letting tears fly down my cheeks. I drop my arms to the side of me, keeping a tight hold of the letter in my hands. My head shook from side to side as I stumbled back. My breathes became uneven, my back hitting the wall. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything. All I could do was let my tears run. Let everything out till I felt arms wrap around me. Immediately I turned and buried my face into whoever it was. But when I heard the person humming I knew exactly who it was.

"Baby, what's going on?" My mother's voice rang. I shook my head trying to get closer to her. "Ruby, baby come on. What's wrong?" I feel her grab my cheeks, pulling me away from her. There I met her blue eyes through teary eyes and her ginger hair. Slowly, I bring up the letter. I hold it in the air till I feel it escape my hand. When I know it's secure in my mother's hands, I drop my head, hiding myself once more, not able to control the tears... 

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