Chapter 26

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Beca's POV

My eyes fluttered open, seeing a bright light come into my vision. I take a moment, blinking repeatedly till my eyes adjust to the light. Once they have I take my time looking around before landing my blue eyes on Ruby who stays seated on a couch. Her eyes land on mine and she doesn't move. I can see the tears covering her face and how red and puffy her eyes were. Almost instantly I tried to sit up till she slowly shook her head from side to side. But I kept going, prompting myself up on my forearms.

"Hey kid," I cough out, soon realizing how dry my throat was. I look away from Ruby a moment before looking back. She still sits at the same spot. "Ruby?" She flinches and looks away, dropping her head. I tilt my head, coughing a bit to clear my throat. I part my lips once more to speak but I'm interrupted almost immediately by running shoes. I turn my head away from my daughter to have arms wrapped around me. Chloe's ginger locks falling in my face. Carefully, I wrap my own arms around her moving her hair out of my way. From there my eyes catch Ruby heading for the exit of the hospital room I was in.


                                                      {Two Days Later}

We walk through the door, my arm draped over Chloe's shoulders as she helps me walk into her house. She takes me over and sets me down on the couch gently. Once I'm seated, I push my hands down on the couch, adjusting myself watching Chloe grab pillows and blankets walking towards me. Helping me in any way she possibly could.

"Chlo," I finally said, reaching my hand out wrapping my fingers around her wrist. She stopped moving. Her eyes looked to my hand and slowly looked up to meet my eyes. From there our eyes stayed locked as I gave her a small smile and shook my head. "I told you, I'm fine. Everything's fine."

"Not everything," Chloe whispered. "You were seriously injured Bec. The doctor said to make sure you got rest." Chloe grabbed my wrist that held her hand. She removed my hand and carefully placed it down.

"Is that why you brought me to your house?" I ask, tilting my head. That same small smile placed on my lips. Chloe gets a toothy grin spread to her lips and nods her head cheerfully. I roll my eyes and see her grab a pillow. I sit up and lean forward as she places it behind me. I lean back and look up to meet her eyes again.

"For now I am your official caretaker. Your nurse!" I shook my head as a gentle chuckle escaped my lips. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing-" I pause and reach my hands out, taking a hold of her wrist, pulling her forward. She falls and before she could fall on me, she shifts her position falling to the side of me. I rolled my eyes at her and wrapped my arm around her as she gently placed her head on my chest. We sat there in silence. The only thing heard was our soft, gentle breaths. And I knew she could feel my chest rising up and down. But it didn't bother either one of us as I looked straight ahead, staring at the blank tv screen. Till I looked away and looked down to the ginger haired girl. It took a moment before she finally moved her head, glancing up at me.

A smile danced on her lips once our eyes locked. My own smile appeared as I leaned downward, closing my eyes and placing a steady kiss on her lips. She kisses back and it's much more gentle than she's ever done. But more passionate than I've ever felt all at the same time. And eventually we pull apart. My eyes flutter open and that's when she sits up quickly. My smile fades a bit when she stands to her feet, facing me.

"I have to go get groceries!" She announced. My eyes widened before a couple of laughs escaped me. She rolled her eyes and leaned down, pecking my lips fast. "I'll be back in no time. I knew I was forgetting something." I shook my head as she turned on her heels and headed for the door. I leaned back in my seat and looked at where she had disappeared off to leaving me alone. And I waited a couple moments before glancing to the left, reaching for the remote on the side table. I got my fingers wrapped around it when I heard something. Quickly, my head flew up to lock eyes with Ruby's.

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