Chapter 7

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My body was covered in sweat as I sat up in bed, hugging myself tightly. I couldn't go back to sleep even if I had, had 3 hours of sleep. It was 5:30 in the morning. An hour and a half till Chloe was coming and my mind couldn't wrap around it correctly. So instead of sitting in the bed I've been doing for the past 2 hours, I slip the covers off and dangle my legs over the side of the bed. For a moment I sit there looking upon the floor, my brain scattering everywhere. Before I just up and go. My bare feet hit the icy cold floor and I wince a bit. I shake my head and slowly limp over to my closet grabbing a different pair of clothes. I decide on a nice hoodie and a pair of tights with some fuzzy socks. After that I walk on over to the bathroom. I walk in, switching the light on and begin to slip everything off of me, till I'm butt naked. I walk to the shower and turn it on then climb in, feeling my body tense at the rising of my legs. But I shake it off feeling the warmth of the water.

I close my eyes, biting my lip as I stand under the falling water drops. There was some sort of peace within the water and in the enclosed space. I stayed there a bit tilting my head to the side thinking of a time about 10 years ago. When me and Chloe shared an apartment with Fat Amy. But it was just the two of us that night, Amy going out with Bumper even if she told him she was a horse who couldn't be tied down. A soft chuckle escapes my lips as I think of them, no longer together but still talk to one another. I shake my head once again, opening my eyes to glance at the water then turn around in a swift motion, letting the water hit my back. That's when I close my eyes...that night with me and Chloe playing through my head...

The water was hot, my body icy cold when I heard the shower curtain shift. I turn my head, glancing over my shoulder to lock eyes with a blue eyed ginger. A soft smile formed on my lips as I watched her slip off her robe and climb into the shower. She placed her hands on my shoulders, digging her thumbs into my back as I turned back around, facing the water. "I thought you were taking a shower after me," I say, gently.

"I thought we'd save a little water," Chloe said, taking a step closer. I felt her body brush up against me from behind. Her hands dropped from my shoulders. One arm wrapped around my waist, the other hand, the right hand reached up reaching across to the left side of my body to have her hand gently placed against my cheek. I close my eyes a second and quickly open when I feel her move my head. I help in the process, our eyes soon meet. A smile forming on both of our lips till I move my head, locking our lips and turning around so we face one another.

Chloe's hands slip around my waist, as I cup her face with my hands, our lips remain locked. The water hits my back, but it doesn't matter when I feel Chloe's soft, devilish lips. She pulls away slowly, beginning to kiss down my cheek and down among my neck. Sucking gently and then rough causing a soft gasp to echo from my throat as her hands slowly move down my back, gripping right above my thighs. I bite my lip leaning my head back, my own hands resting on her shoulders.

"You k-know the point of a shower is to rinse off what w-we did last night," I breathe out earning a chuckle against my skin from the ginger haired girl.

"Are you complaining Mitchell?" Chloe asks, picking up her head, our eyes locking. I look into her blue eyes, biting my lip looking back and forth between her eyes and her lips. "Because I can just get-" She starts to turn, her arms unwrapping around me but quickly i grab her, pulling her close. Our bodies right up against one another. Our eyes locked on one another's, our foreheads pressed to each other's with little to no breathing room left.

"I can't help myself," I whisper, tracing my fingers down along her skin feeling chills rising on her body. No words are spoken between the two of us as I glance down finding my fingers slowly rubbing against her clit feeling her breathes become a little uneven. I bite my lip, lifting my eyes up to see her's closed. A smirk inches my lips as I glance back down, getting closer to the girl slipping two of my fingers inside, hearing a raspy gasp. I press our bodies together going in and out with my fingers slowly before going a bit faster and faster. Quickening my pace as I feel Chloe's breathes come out as a moan and her breaths uneven. I bite my lip feeling her body moving against the movement. I slow down the pace, leaning my other hand down to her chest. My fingers trace around her nipple, and every so often I run over it causing the girl to jolt forward or back, but she just comes crawling back making me smirk.

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