Chapter 28

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Nelson looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.

Nelson: It doesn't matter Nelson... It doesn't matter...

She repeated words of encouragement to herself, as she had been doing since childhood. She turned the tap off and dried her eyes with the silk handkerchief that Admiral had given her just days before his death.

Nelson: Lord Admiral... I'll take the enemy down with me, just give me the orders.

Young Nelson stood over the bridge of her battleship, trying to reason with the Admiral over the radio. The siren ambush had been perfectly executed and the Azur forces were scattered all over the ocean trying to survive the enemy onslaught.

Admiral: No Nelson we stay on course!

Nelson: They will capture the volcanic islands if I don't stop them here don't you understand we will lose territory!

Admiral: I don't care about those uninhabited islands. Let them have it.

Nelson: But...

Admiral: We were weak, Nelson, that is why we lost those islands. But we will be back with stronger forces and take those islands back.

Nelson: I feel scared Admiral...

Admiral: Then work as hard as you can until you aren't scared anymore.

Since that day Nelson worked as hard as she could, mastering the art of war and excelling in superiority. To her weakness held no meaning and only strength was her salvation. Her traumatic experience of the first war made her work harder and prepare for the future wars so that she never felt powerless again, Nelson was a changed person, she was no longer the girl people knew before the war. Her new attitude and beliefs distanced her from her friends and well-wishers, but as long as she could keep everyone safe, she was fine with it.

Nelson: ...huh...let's see if that commander is working...

Nelson opened the office door and was surprised, there was no one in there.

Nelson: What the...

Shikikan: Hey! who's there?

Nelson turned around to look at Shikikan, he was carrying the second bundle of documents, which was so high he couldn't look what was in front of him.

Nelson: Watch it!

Shikikan stopped instantly, after hearing Nelson but his momentum was shaken and he applied every bit of force he could find to maintain his equilibrium.

Shikikan: Ah...Nelson, it's just you.

Nelson: What is all this?

Shikikan: Yeah while you were gone, I brought the second bundle myself.

Nelson: What? Don't tell me you have completed the first one...

Shikikan: Of course I have, there they are.

Shikikan pointed at the pile of files he had segregated the bundle of documents into.

Shikikan: You wanted to check them yourself right? I have divided them into different files and 

kept them on your desk, you can take a look if you want to.

Nelson: This is not possible...I am sure you must have made a ton of mistakes.

Nelson took a file and started reading it and oddly everything looked fine. She was more irritated than amazed.

"He did say he would need an hour...and everything seems fine...but how did he manage to complete all these documents so fast?" Nelson thought as she went through the bundle.

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