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Several hours after the event in Looking-glass Line High...

 surprisingly, after all the blizzard thing occur in physical form. Looking-glass Line High and the Theater somehow manage to return to its normal state again. But it was happen so quickly and in astounding non-human speed...After all it was done by the moment STUDENTs were off the scene. 

'What happen?' 

'Why are we in here?' 

'WE remember nothing!?'

   Everyone but Gracie  ask these same question. they're forgetting all the events like none of this event they encounter so far is nothing more then a fiction. Sadly, when News reporters came for the next key to the relic [Blue Soul], even Gracie couldn't tell the whereabouts of it, for now...She think it is better be that way... at the box is already disappear in thin air at well.    

   In the NEWS was report about citizens has found the corpse of a girl floating in the river under Boundary Bridge  whose commit suicide 4 months ago, also, police Officer reporting about the wet crate box packing several of mysterious tape Recorders was found by the Blizzard Movie Studio's staffs, all recorders were wrap in multi-layers of shockproof sheet and what scientists account to be 'special moisture-absorbing foam pad'. 

  Unfortunately all of them was soaked and beyond the recovery for it was underwater for 4 whole months, save for one label the name 'Blue Soul 's Confession' followed by the roman number "I". the Polices inform they finally able to recover all recording info inside...in the voice of a girl who commit suicide by throwing herself in the river after the death of [Ultimate Violinist]...


(Sound of tape's Audio recorder playing...)

[ Blue Soul 's Confession I ]

"February 8th...20*beep!* recording at One Winged Hawk's Incorporation's...Eh? I mean, the afterlife..."

"Ahem...well..I'm *Cough! Cough!*...Scarlett Hapae, The Ultimate Piper..."

"At some might known, I'm not exist at a human anymore. They give me these tapes so I can communicate with anyone who found this thing..."

"I know what I done when I was alive was wrong and *Brzz!* - can curse my name for my wrong acts all they want, but...at what cost?"

"'Ultimates talent will stay forever be the Ultimate!' they said, 'We will always lookin' upon you' they said..." 

"Annnnnd (sigh)...here I am...sinking underneath the murky river, without anyone care of the searching till they come to collect me, 

"To be honest, Blue Soul was create at the relic from the metal blue box, the one that use to be a music box. MY music box."

     " People have eyes but can't tell the difference of the stories they read, they may hear and listen to it...but they will never aware of the crime they've pull out at they blaming even the unproven innocents at the guilty one, which wasn't taking long to broke them before one's truth was able to spoken...."

"Once the words was spoken, they can't taking back, forever echoing in memory of receiver. and yet they didn't take heed."

"Oh the mechanism of Blue Soul that must need right keys to put inside to capture the right kind of creatures, right?, Actually, about those 5 golden keys...well... each one symbolism each kinds of I viewing at creatures...

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