Chapter 3 : Blue Soul

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"Guys! Can you heard that !?"

   Gracie's outburst screams caused other group in sensation state and ran pass the librarian to the Grand's hall. 

But to their surprise, they don't see her in there anymore. Thought she has met somethings scary to the point she run deeper inside. They first desired to split up the group and searching for their friend at some don't agree with split up since they can't avoid ghosts and dangers that could be roaming in Cruzar Grand's forever and increase the risks. So Calinda and Byrd  volunteers to the be the ones finding her.  


  On Gracie's side...

The green girl chasing wolf head-mascot wearer as fast as she could while holding the key in furious, but the wolf head girl's movements was astonishingly elastic at if she could crawling on the wall if she want to, when Gracie was about to corner her on the first floor...she manage to jump and doing somersault above her head, landing safety on the bookcases on the second floor, urged Gracie to getting hot on her tail.

Several minutes later...

"*huff* *huff* *huff* God...Gracie, How could and how long you were nonsense chasing her, you prick?"

   After long 'tags', Gracie had to stopped and catch her breaths, losing sight of wolf girl in the process. She seriously want to beat in her stalker's head so badly she forgot where she at it right now.  Some lights that dim and old grey bricks wall with moss and dankness all around her begin to make the teenager realized that she's now make it to... Library's basement.  

She walk along the way, her only guides such at dim lights above her lead to something she once want to flee from "My God...Not that box again..." 

...A blue box.

  A medium size box made of hard-as-diamond material painted in blue with one keyhole and plain design setting in the glass box on podium. some parts of the wall, floor and ceiling made of concrete around it was painted white. the floor seem to have long drips with water, leave trail of moss and black mass. Label on the podium said the blue box before her is called "Blue Soul"

"Blue soul? I remember I didn't told that librarian what this box are they calling, and this is NOT where I placed it...!"

   Suddenly, right after she finished her sentence, a red diamond key begun to react to the box, it float out of Gracie's hand, passing thought glass box and try to plug inside keyhole by inside at the box begun to glow in fading blue. Gracie have seen super paranormal before but not this, a key that could move by itself and a box that can glowed. however she can't be surprise for long before she known she was surrounded by some kind of energy.

She turn around to witnessed the same horde of ghosts she once saw along with her friends floating in her path, ready to attack her.

She turn around to witnessed the same horde of ghosts she once saw along with her friends floating in her path, ready to attack her

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Gracie screamed once again at she close her eyes in fear, think her life was over. 

However, ever her eyes was closed she could heard the glass breaking followed by the screams and feeling of chilling around her.

    When she open her eyes to see again, now she know the source of screams... Its don't belong to her friends or ghosts, but its came from the box, screaming of terror continuously echoing at it floating between Gracie and attackers, its suction blows started like whirlwinds, sucking horde of ghosts into the box that have nothing but purple pad-alike with 5 keyholes, one of them have a red diamond key plugged in it.

  and if Gracie's eyes didn't have any mistake in seeing things...she think she could see translucent light blue hands coming out from the blue box, grabbing ghosts that nearby and stuffed inside like a vacuum...the scene and noises lasting for 2 minutes before the box was close shut again, everything back to normal instantaneous.

"Gracie!! Are you there !? Byrd and Calinda's here!"

"THIS place is totally suck! and she going downstairs all the way to HERE!? Hey G, Answer me if you can hear us, G!"

When the owner of that name is called, Gracie pick up the box and followed her way back while shouting "I'm still fine, gang! Waiting for me at the Grand's hall Okay!?"


"Man, What mass did you got into, Calinda?" After 'the rescued', Gracie begun her complain since she is the one who told them to wait in the hall but they end up finding her.

"Sorry, we're worry about you...And look what you bring with. how could you brought it out?"

Wilona Luscinia ;  Girl with blonde ponytail hair, darkgreen eyes, blue bell sleeve shirt, green high-waist pants, black bracelets, necklace and white shoes, nodded her head at her apologizing for not doing what she told then questioning how Gracie brought the box she send to this library by her own hands to the hall.

"The glass box that holding it was broke and it going nuts, so I brought it up so I could asked that librarian if she know anything about these ghosts and it's paranormal ability...but where is she now?"

Everyone shaking their heads.

"Nope. Not even slightly of her hair to see after we entering here" Massimo answering and shaking his shoulders like he'd say "I don't give a damn even if I know them or not".

"Eh...G-Guys? if the box Gracie brought is here, then what was I s-s-SAW!?" 

Like the room couldn't get anymore confusing, Anne calling her classmates at she point her trembled finger at one of the podium. Everyone froze in terror once again, one of them fainted while on their feet right after a glared.

Gracie can't believe what she saw either...

A blue box that look exactly the same like the one she holding, except having pretty patterned and stained with blood, was still on the podium, along with the corpse of male person pinned on the wall with giant screws on his heart and both of his hands at his body wrapped by bloodstained ribbons and wires under the spotlight. the height between the ground  and the body was around 15 ft. or so...


After that day, Cruzar Grand Library's front now full of police cars, ambulances and morgue cars, not just school bus anymore. At police doing investigated, they stated none of the teenagers were responsible or involve in murdering a 30 year old man.

   If the "Blue Soul" she holding can capturing and sealed ghosts, that's mean...that box on podium is a fake, made by someone who try to stealing it, assuming a man who get killed probably try to brought the real blue box out and sale it in black market while replaced a fake one to avoid attention but he was get caught by someone, meet his tragic end...

   But little does she, Gracie Clockwise known, even if Creepypasta, the beings she believe at but a stupid, nonsense horror stories DOES existed, ones with superhuman power could never do such things without everyone in the hall notices. At first she said to the police that the last two people she met, Miss Semadar the Local librarian and a weird girl in wolf mascot head...

at the police said they couldn't find Semadar name on any of Librarian record, but they promised they will look up to the wolf head girl's whereabouts...

 However...when she's at home along with 'Blue Soul', 

she received the message from the police and Its hit her really hard...

"'Miss Semadar' you've refer in your testimony didn't took her job at librarian. but she did arrive at the Cruzar Grand Library alone with the victim, that happen before she come back alone and died in car accident, her case just happen ten hours ago..."

 NEXT --->

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