Wake up !

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Meanwhile in college , Violet was the first to notice the absence of the two young men . Colette looked at her .

" Vi ? There a problem ? "

" I feel something bad it's just happening . " Violet said look preoccupied .

Her girlfriend did not understand .

" What ? You worried about them ? You think they fight again ? "

" About them...Where they go ? " Violet asked .

In the forest , Vic miraculously regained consciousness , alas , his left arm broke , his right leg was broken and minor injuries everywhere . But Craig is still unconscious . Despite the pain , Vic slowly crept towards Craig . He gently shakes his comrade to wake him up .

" Craig..."

He still shakes it .

" Craig...hey... Craig , wake up...! "

He tried again and again , but the latter still did not wake up . Vic listened to Craig's heart , which was no longer beating . Very worried about him , Vic tries to revive him .

" Craig ! Wake up ! Hey ! " Vic yelled tryinf to revive him .

But after these several attempts , Vic did not know what to do .


Unfortunately , no one has heard his scream and he is more and more discouraged .

" Craig ! Please , wake up ! Do not leave me ! Don't leave your friends and everyone who loves you ... you can't die like that now , Craig ... ! They all need you ... even I need you ... "

The young man crying :

" So please ! wake up ! "

Meanwhile , the Thea Sisters and their friends were looking for Craig and Vic . They meet in front of the main entrance .

" So ? " Nicky asked .

" No . " Dina replied .

" Craig was not in our room and his cell phone is on the desk in our room ! " Shen told them .

Ron arrived .

" Vic was not in his room and his cell phone is on his drawer ! " He told them .

The latest was Pamela and Tanya .

" And your ? " Paulina asked them .

" No , we went in all the rooms to the other ! " Tanya said .

Pamela added :

" Apparently , they were not in college ! They are must be out there somewhere ! "

" Let's go to see the headmaster ! " Colette suggested .

They all went to the office of the headmaster to ask for permission to leave late , the headmaster agreed and the students went together into the forest to find their friends . However , Vic can't get up on his own with a broken leg to seek help , he didn't want to let Craig either .

« If only help arrives ... Vic said in his thoughts .

Shooting stars granted Vic's wish , a miracle appeared . The young man heard very familiar voices .

" Vic ! "

" Craig ! "

" Where are you guys ? "

It was the voices of his friends who were looking for them . Vic can see lights from the electric torches a few meters away from him and Craig .

" HEY ! OVER THERE ! " Vic screamed for they heard him .

Dina and Ron were the first to hear him .

" It's Vic ! " Ron said to his friends .

After a few seconds , they found their friends and Pamela and Paulina went to get help . Some time later , help arrived , they brought Vic and Craig to the hospital and the Thea Sisters , Shen , Ron , Dina and Tanya joined them on foot . Will Craig make it out ? Or will he die ?

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