Chapter 2: I miss you so much.

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"Ray-Ray! What a lovely surprise!" the devil grinned, happy to have a distraction from suppressing memories and feelings after he saw her. Flexing his back, his big white wings unfurled behind him.

Flying down to the cold, rocky ground, Lucifer was over the moon to see his favourite little sister. "I haven't seen you for so long," Lucifer commented happily. Finally someone who was not a mean, weird, toture-obsessive demon!

"I saw you yesterday, Lu?" the petite angel replied in confusion. Lucifer's face fell.

"Oh right, time works differently here than earth...."Azrael mumbled. Lucifer turned around, running his hands through his hair and looking down at the ash-covered ground. It had only been a day on earth but in hell, a little over 85 millennia.

Turning back around, a fake smile glued to his face, he asked, "Fancy a drink?" 

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"Auntie Maze!" the tiny-half angel giggled as he tangled the demon's hair in his small hands. Maze smiled warmly at the small toddler sitting on her lap. "Now this is a dagger, can you say dagger?" Maze cooed. Weaponology was a very important priority on her list.

Charlie giggled as he reached out to grab the sharp weapon.

"Maze no!" Linda screeched as she rushed to them.

"Relax Linda," Maze reassured as she pinched Charlie's chubby little cheeks, "He's half-angel and I got this on earth, he won't get hurt, silly little human weapons can't hurt you can they Charlie? No they can't, no they can't."

Linda sighed.

Yup, half-angel baby, her half-angel baby. Who is being babysat by her best friend who was an actual demon. How is this her life now?

"Besides Amenediel has him down for flying lessons tomorrow and I need to get through all the human weapons before I move him up to my blades." An exasperated Linda tiredly sat down next to her best friend and reached over to tickle her son.


"I'll go get that" Amenediel chirped as he came out from the kitchen.

"Hi Amenediel,Linda, Maze," Chloe greeted. "Chloe, Ella hi!" Amenediel smiled, trying his best to ignore the strong smell of alcohol, her tangled hair and her crumpled clothes. How did Chloe change so much in a few hours?

"Hey Decker, Ellen," Maze chuckled, "Someone had a good night."

"It's Ella...., BABY CHARLIE!" Ella's mood changed drastically as soon as she saw the adorable little baby. Ella immediately ran up to the little toddler and adoringly fussed over him.

"Hey guys, it's so great to see y'all!" she exclaimed, as she enthusiastically gave out greeting hugs to everyone, earning uncomfortable and confused flinches from Maze and Amenediel and a small hug back from Linda.

"Anyways," Chloe huffed, "I had something really important to discuss with y'all, about, you know." Celestial Stuff.

Amenediel nodded. "Hey Ella, would you mind taking care of Charlie for a bit? We need to discuss about some, stuff." Amenediel asked politely. 

"Yeah, sure!" Ella agreed happily as she reached over to pick up Charlie from the reluctant Maze. "Hello little angel!" Ella cooed as she carried him off, causing Linda to let out a snort.

"What did you want to talk about, Chloe?" Linda asked in concern. She could sense that Chloe was very uneasy about something and as her friend and sort-of therapist, she wanted to help.

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