~Chapter Twenty-Four~

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Minutes had turned into hours, and those hours had turned into days. My legs felt like they were about to fall off, and we were all exhausted. I was just about to ask if the three of us could stop for a break when Logan announced that we were here.

I looked around, expecting some amazing thing to happen or a radiant barrier that trapped us in Thomas's mind. All there was was a ledge. A cliff that stopped us from going any further. On the other side of that, there was nothing. No sky, no ground, no color. Just... nothing.

I shivered and stepped back away from the edge of the Mind Space.

What would happen if someone fell down there?

I quickly shook the thought from my mind to keep myself from thinking about it too much. I would probably lose my mind if I didn't.

"So this is it then," Patton said, his voice no more than a whisper.

"Pat, you don't have to do this," Logan pleaded, his eyes watering behind his glasses.

Patton shook his head sadly. "I have to, Logan. I'm sorry."

The young man turned away from Logan and I. I could see his thin, freckled hands shaking. He didn't want to do this.

Suddenly, Logan ran past Patton, making the dad-like trait jump back toward me. He held out his hands and lifted them past the edge of our world. His hands flickered for a moment, almost like a computer glitch before settling.
Logan winced from a pain that I did not know that he felt, and Patton cried out to him in worry.

"Logan, no! Please don't do this! Something like this could kill you! I-I don't want you to get hurt."

"And it is any better if you do it?!" Logan sobbed.

"I can't watch you get hurt! You have to let me do it instead."

"Why are you so against this, Patton? I'm trying to save all of us!"

Patton's face was a pastel pink when he spoke. "L-Logan, I love you."

The logical trait that always had an answer for everything was now at a loss for words. He stood, motionless, staring at Patton with a look of concern but also pride.

"The feeling is mutual," he said after a long moment. A small smile appeared on his face. "And that is why I have to do this."

Logan's veins flooded with a blue so dark that it almost seemed to be black. He screamed as a blue mist circled him, and Patton ran forward to help him.

"No!" Logan demanded. "Stay back!"

There was nothing that I could do but watch as Logan slowly gained his full power, which might tear him apart. No part of Thomas's personality was supposed to have a power like this, which was why I could not let Deceit beat us.

With Logan's ability, maybe we could stop him, but how was logic going to stop deception? How would creativity stop him? Emotion and morality? Fear and anxiety? There was no way to tell.

With a sudden burst of light, Logan fell to the pitch-black floor of the Mind Space. After that, everything was silent besides the sounds of the logical trait's heavy breathing.

Patton and I were too scared to move, and we were even more terrified when someone cackled from behind us.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here?" Remus shrieked, running around us with a gigantic mace over his shoulder.

"It seems like we were the only ones that wanted to access our powers," Deceit replied. "Virgil, it's wonderful to see you here. I'm sure that Roman would say the same."

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