Valentines Day | Mondo

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Your POV

Tomorrow was going to be Valentines Day. It seemed like everyone at school was talking about it. But you had no plans and no Valentine. It was just going to be like any other day for you.

Today after school your best friends Mondo and Daiya were going to give you a ride home on there motorcycles. When the finale bell rang to dismiss you from school you and Mondo grabbed your backpacks and meet Daiya at the back of the school.

"What's up you two," Daiya asked as you both walked up to him.

"Nothing much," you answered.

Mondo got on his motorcycle and you sat behind him.

"So, do you guys get any Valentine Cards," the older brother asked.

"No," you and Mondo both said at the same time.

Daiya always got Valentine Cards. He was by far the more popular Oowada. He got about twenty cards each year.

Mondo on the other hand barely got any. You weren't sure why though. In your eyes Mondo was perfect. You really wanted Mondo to be your Valentine but you weren't sure how to ask him. What if he rejects you? You didn't want to ruin your friendship with him.

"I just want one card or something," Mondo said. "I never get any."

"I'm sure you'll get some," Daiya responded.

You noticed Daiya had a bag of chocolates sticking out of his bag.

"Did you already get some Daiya?"

He laughed and pulled out two bags of candy and a card. "Yeah."

"Show off."

Mondo just shock his head as they both started up their motorcycles and began to drive home.

This was your chance to ask Mondo out, with a Valentines Day Card. You didn't know how he would react though so you would were going to make it anonymous.

After the two brothers dropped you off at your house you decided to go get Mondo some Valentines Day things. You went to the store and bought him chocolates, flowers, and a card.

The next day you went to school early to get everything ready. You couldn't wait.

Mondo's POV

Today was Valentine's Day. I didn't expect to get anything. Usually all the Valentines stuff goes to Daiya.

I walked into school today hearing everyone talk about the things they got. I went to open my locker and grab my books when I noticed something.

There was my favorite chocolates, my favorite flowers, and a card on the top shelf of my locker. I looked around to see if someone had put it there and was watching me. I didn't see anyone so I opened the card.

"Happy Valentines Day! I hope you like what I got you. Meet me after school today at the back of the cafe at 3:00. From anonymous."

I smiled. This was the first time I ever got a Valentines Day Card. The whole day I thought about it. I was nervous though. I already have a crush on my best friend
Y/N. What if I go and it's not her? Do I reject them? Y/N probably doesn't like me anyway. I decided I should go.

When the bell rang I saw Daiya waiting for me on his motorcycle. This was five different girls talking to him. When they saw me they all rolled their eyes and left.

"Daiya look what I got!"

The older brother congratulated him,
"See I told you would get one. So who's it from?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, they said to meet them at the cafe. I'll see you later bro."

I hopped on my motorcycle and rode to the cafe.

Your POV

You waited for Mondo to show up. You were really nervous. After what felt like forever you heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling up in-front of the cafe.

You waited for him to arrive at the back. You could hear his foot steps getting closer. Before you knew it he turned the corner and was looking right at you.

His jaw dropped when he saw you. He began to blush.

"Happy Valentines Day," you said trying to break the silence.

"IT WAS YOU," he yelled.

That only made you more nervous. You weren't sure why he raised his voice.

"Yeah. I totally understand if you don't want to go out with me or-"

"NO I DO," he yelled even louder.

You laughed. He was still standing there in awe at the whole situation. "Mondo try to lower your voice."


He tried to calm himself down. "So this isn't a joke? You actually want to go out with me!?"


"Are you sure because-"

You cut him off and pulled him into a kiss, he kissed back.

"I love you Mondo."

He blushed even more, "I love you too."

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