Parties and Panic Attacks | Kazuichi

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Requested by UltimateHufflepuff

AN: I'm sorry if this story isn't accurate in regards to having a panic attack or helping someone through one. I looked up a few things before writing this but even then, some things might not be spot on.

Hopes Peak might be a school for the world's new hope and for incredibly gifted teenagers, but that doesn't mean you guys can't have fun.

Ibuki's friend Leon was currently throwing a party at his house. All the Ultimates were going to be there no matter what there grade was.

You weren't big on parties. You were the Ultimate Therapist after all, you knew how many bad things happened at them.

At first you weren't going to go but your best friend Chiaki told you it would be fun. You were really shy so you just planned on staying with her the whole night.

After school you went home to get ready. You wore a short blue dress and put your hair in a pretty bun. You put your makeup on and a nice pair of shoes and were ready to go.

You left your house and arrived at Leon's. His house was huge and there was so many people there.

It took you a while but you finally found Chiaki.

"Y/N, there you are," she said in her normally friendly tone.

"Hi! Sorry it took me a while to find you. I didn't know there could be this many Ultimates in one place," you said.

She smiled. "I know, it's kinda crazy."

"Oh," she said as she reached into her backpack to grab something. "If you get bored, remember that I brought my DS."

You laughed. "Of course you did."

For most of the night you two laughed and danced. The party was actually really fun. You saw all the other kids from you class, and even meet some new people from younger grades.

After dancing with Chiaki you two were pretty worn out. You both took a seat at a table and had some water. Before you knew it you both finished your drinks.

"Chiaki, stay here. I'll go get us some more water," you said as you stood up.

"Ok, I'll be here," she said.

You walked over to the drinks and began pouring some water for the two of you.

You were about to head back to your table when you saw a boy run out the door. You didn't get a good look at him, but you knew someone definitely ran away from the party.

You looked around to see if anyone was following or chasing him. You couldn't find anyone. You were worried about him. Why did he run outside?

You placed the drinks down on the table and followed the boy. You couldn't find him anywhere. You were about to head back inside when you heard someone panting.

You followed the sound as it began getting louder and louder, until you found him.

It was Kazuichi. He was sitting down on the grass with his knees to his chest.

You could see him struggling to breathe. You immediately knew he was having a panic attack.

"Kazuichi," you exclaimed as you kneeled down to him on the ground.

He didn't look at you, he just kept on starting into the abyss. His whole body was shaking and sweating.

"Kaz, it's ok. It's not going to last long. I'm here," you said reassuringly.

He didn't respond. His breathing was getting worse.

"Are you ok with me holding your hand?"

He nodded his head but continued to panic. You put your hand in his and tightly held on to it.

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