Can I Have A Kiss | Kazuichi

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Requested by UwU-OwO

You absolutely loved your boyfriend, there was no doubt about it. He treated you like a queen and thought you were absolutely beautiful.

Today was no different. Kazuichi was giving you every minute of his attention. He couldn't keep his eyes off you, he just loved you too much!

Kazuichi was staring at you completely mesmerized by how cute you were. You were working on your homework.
You looked up for a moment and Kazuichi's eyes meet yours. You quickly looked back down at your paper. A few minutes went by and you looked up again. Kaz was still looking at you.

You blushed a deep pink, "Souda, stop staring at me..."

He smiled at you and laughed. "But you're so pretty!"

Your blush turned ten shades deeper than before. You shook your head and continued your work.

It became quite. You were slightly thankful. Now it would be easier to work. Sadly though, that silence only lasted for ten minutes.

In the middle of solving a math equation you felt someone wrap their arms around your torso. You suddenly felt yourself be picked up. You squealed in surprise. You opened your eyes to see your self still sitting on your chair, but now you were in your boyfriends lap.

"Kazuichi," you grumbled.

"Yep," he said while playing with your hair.

"I need to work Kaz! You're distracting me! I really need to-"

You got sentence interrupted by your boyfriend playfully tapping the top of your nose. "Screw your homework! I want attention!"

You sighed. "You have to do your homework too. You should do it with me."

He smiled. "Nah, I'm good. I rather have fun with you than work."

You really weren't getting anywhere with him. He had you right where he wanted you. "Souda. Please let me finish my work. I don't want to get in trouble!"

The mechanic rolled his eyes. "Fine! But only if you kiss me."

You blushed again. "Kaz...."

He grabbed your hands. "And I'm not shutting off the lights this time! I want to see your beautiful face!"

You looked down at the ground. How can he be so annoying but so cute all at the same time? "Can you pull your beanie over your eyes," you asked hoping he would agree.

He shook his head. "Nope. I want a real kiss."

You thought about it for a moment. "Ok, ok! I'll give you a kiss," you said caving in.

You heard Kaz whisper "Yes!" under his breath in celebration.

You giggled at his cute antics. You placed your hands on his shoulders. He followed suit and placed his hands on your waist. Souda leaned in for a kiss and closed his eyes. You were so nervous and hesitant. After a few seconds you finally decided to kiss him back.

His kiss made you feel so safe and happy. You realized right then and there that there was no need to be insecure around Kaz, because he truly loved you.

You two finally pulled away from the kiss. His eyes were full of passion and loved and so were yours.

"Can I do my homework now," you asked.

"Nope. I lied. You're not going anywhere."

Before you could protest he picked you up bridal style and began walking away with you. "Come on Y/N, were gonna go build something!"

You sighed. Oh well. It wasn't like you were having fun doing your homework anyway.

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