Just Date Already | Kazuichi

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Requested by UwU-OwO

Hajime sighed. "You're staring at her again."

"What!? No I'm not," Kazuichi whispered yelled.

"Can you and Y/N just start dating already, I'm tired of this bullshit," Fuyuhiko chimed in.

The three boys were all sitting down eating their lunch. From the moment Kaz sat down, he couldn't keep his eyes off you. You were sitting down at the table directly across from them. You were all by yourself, you were waiting for Chiaki and Peko to show up.

Souda was so mesmerized by you that he had already zoned out of his conversation with his two friends six times. Which of course made them become pissed off.

"Can you stop being such a pussy and ask her out already," Fuyuhiko said harshly.

The mechanic crossed his arms. "You know I can't do that!"

"Why not," Hajime asked.

"She's been my best friend for ever! If I were to ask her out and she rejects me it would ruin everything!" Kaz said.

Hajime shrugged. "Well I still think it's worth a shot."

Hajime and Kazuichi continued to argue whether or not it would be a good idea to ask you out. After five minutes of obnoxious squabbling Fuyuhiko got bored.

"Alright then if you don't have the balls to ask Y/N out, then I'll take matters into my own fucking hands." Fuyuhiko quickly stood up and began walking towards you.

Kazuichi noticed him leave the table out of the corner of his eye. "Wait, Fuyuhiko! Where are you going!?"

That was when it clicked in Souda's mind. "Fuyuhiko! Come back! Fuyuhiko!"

Kazuichi continued to call out to the Yakuza. In response Fuyuhiko stuck up his middle finger and flipped him off while still walking towards you.

The mechanic pulled his beanie over his eyes. He was too embarrassed to even watch what was about to happen.

You were writing down some notes for your next class when you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up from your work.

"Hi, Fuyuhiko!"

"Hey Y/N, I know this is kinda random, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out to get some lunch on Saturday. It would be me, you, Hajime, and Kazuichi. Sorta like a date but for friends."

You smiled. "I would love to!"

Fuyuhiko nodded his head. "Great, sounds like a plan. Alright well I'll see ya then Y/N."

Kuzuryu began walking back to his original table. Kazuichi still had to beanie completely pulled over his face and Hajime was laughing at him.

The gang leader sat back down with the boys and kicked his feet up on to the table.

Kaz ripped the beanie off his head. "What did you say to her!?"

"You're going on a date with her," Fuyu said unbothered.

Souda's whole face turned pale. "I'm doing WHAT!?"

"Don't feel too special, we're all going on the date. I told her it was a friends date or some shit like that."

"Why do I have to go," Hajime grumbled.

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