My Savior | Gundham

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Requested by Weebgamergirl


(No Despair AU, Italics mean thoughts)

You were the Ultimate Veterinarian. Ever since you were young you loved animals. You wanted to take care of every animal you saw.

You never had any friends. That being said, you spent most of your time around animals rather than people. But when you came to Hopes Peak Academy, things changed.

You met this boy named Gundham Tanaka. He was the Ultimate Breeder. The both of you had an immediate connection due to the fact that you both loved animals so much.

Over time the two of you became really close friends. Whenever an animal of his was sick or injured, he would always bring them to you. He even trusted you with his Four Dark Devas.

Even though you now had a best friend, went to one of the best high schools in the world, and helped injured animals, you still felt empty inside.

You were depressed. Always had been always will be. You thought about telling Gundham on multiple occasions, but didn't want to be a burden to him.

He was so talented, smart, and different. You didn't want to bother someone as amazing as him with your problems.

You never really thought about doing self harm because of your talent.

I'm the ultimate veterinarian. It my job to save animals. If I die then I can't keep the animals alive.

You talent was the only thing motivating you to keep on going and holding on. That was until that one day.

There was a dog, he had just got hit by a car. He wasn't completely dead, but close. You tried everything you could to save him, but it was no use. The dog died and you couldn't do anything about it.

You were crying. You felt so guilty about it. A while later, you began your walk back to your dorm room.

You were looking at the ground the whole time, not wanting anyone to see your face. All of a sudden someone walked into you and you stumbled backwards. It was Gundham.

"Lady Y/N, I'm so sorry," he said.

You gave him a weak smile. "It's ok Gundham."

He quickly noticed your puffy eyes and you black mascara running down your face. "Y/N, are you alright? Has an evil spirit dared to hurt you!?"

"No, I'm fine Gundham. Don't worry about me," you said quietly.

He gave you a look of disbelief. He knew something was wrong but decided to ignore it for the time being.

"If you insist. I shall see you later on
Y/N," Gundham said as he left you.

After that you continued your walk back to your dorm. Once you finally got there you sat on the ground of your bedroom.

You stared at your wall. Making no movement. The only sound was your breathing.

After a hour of doing nothing. You sat up in your bed. That was when it caught your eye. It was a knife Peko gave you incase you ever needed it for self defense.

Without thinking you got up out of bed and grabbed the knife. With the knife in your hand you sat down on the ground next to your bed.

You gripped the knife tightly. Your eyes were locked on it as a million thoughts raced through your mind.

Some ultimate veterinarian you are. You couldn't even save that dog. Your useless. No one likes you. You only have one friend. He probably only hangs out with you because he feels bad. Your alone in this world. Just die already. No one will miss you. End it all.

You couldn't take it anymore. You picked up the knife and began cutting your wrist. Blood began dripping out from your arm. It felt so painful, but also so refreshing. It was nice to know that this was all going to end.

You were about to slice your wrist once more when your door flew open. It was Gundham. He was standing there with a terrified look in his face.

He ran over to you and took the knife from your hand, tossing it to the other side of the room.

"Y/N my queen! What are you doing!?" Gundham yelled at you.

You didn't respond. You just stared at your wrist, watching the blood drip. Gundham picked up on this and took action.

He took off his scarf and wrapped it around your arm, trying to prevent further bleeding. "Was this pain inflicted by you!?"

Once again, you didn't respond. You just kept on looking at your wrist. You were no longer able to see the cuts or blood thanks to Gundham's scarf.


His yell was enough to get your attention. You looked him in the eyes now. You could see how concerned he was.

You wanted to answer his questions. Instead you just cried, you bawled your eyes out as he pulled you into a hug.

"I'm sorry Gundham," you said between sobs.

He rubbed circles on your back trying to calm you down. "You put those cuts on your arm did you not?"

You nodded, not saying a word. You didn't know what you were feeling right now. There was too many emotions for you to comprehend.

"Why would someone as powerful and magnificent as yourself do such a thing," he questioned.

You sniffled. "Because I'm useless. I'm not even good at my talent."

Gundham shock his head. "You are mistaken. I know what happened with that poor animal today. It could not have been saved no matter what spells or potions you used."

You let out a chocked sob. "No one loves me. No one even likes me for that matter. Everyone hates me."

Gundham let out a sigh in disapproval. "Once again my lady, you are wrong. For there is someone who cares deeply about you."

You almost laughed. Like there would be anyone out there who actually cares about you. "Really? Then who is it?"

He hugged you tighter. "That person would be me."

You pushed away from the hug. "What?"

A blush formed on his face. He would have hid it with his scarf but you were using that at the moment.

"Y/N, my beautiful Ice Queen. It seems as though I have fallen under your spell of love."

You gave him a look of confusion. "What are you saying Gundham?"

"When I rule this world one day, I want you to be at my side. I would happily rule this Earth with a Queen such as yourself."

"Gundham, are you saying you love me," you asked hopefully.

He cleared his throat. "Indeed I am."

You began to cry again. "I love you too."

He hugged you as you stained his shirt with tears. Gundham stayed with you the rest of the night. He made sure you never self harmed again.

AN: If you are feeling suicidal or going through a rough time, please know that there will always be someone out there who cares about you. Even if things seem bad right now they will get better. My DMs are always open if you need someone to talk to. <3

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