Match Making | Fuyuhiko

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Requested by Gothixbby

Your POV

Hiyoko Saionji, The Ultimate Traditional Dancer was your big sister. She wasn't that much older than you, a few months at most. But that didn't stop her from taking on the older protective big sister role. Sometimes it can be a bit annoying, but you know she means well.

You were lucky enough to be excepted into Hopes Peak too. You were in the same class as your sister. Hiyoko sat on the right side of you, and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu sat on the left side.

The Yakuza heir always had his feet kicked up on top of his desk and a stern look on his face. Some people thought he was scary, and to be honest he was a tad bit intimidating. That didn't stop you from be nice to him though.

The teacher left the classroom and everyone talked amongst themselves. You were having a conversation with Hiyoko but noticed she wasn't really paying attention to you. She was listening but she kept looking over her shoulder. You tried ignoring it but it was honestly annoying. "Hiyoko, what's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing." Right then the bell rang. "I'll catch up with you Y/N, I have to do something really quick."

"Ok then, I'll see you at lunch," you said. You grabbed your books and left the room.

No Ones POV

Everyone left the classroom. The only two people who were left were Hiyoko and Fuyuhiko. The dancer stood there glaring at the gang member.

"What the fuck do you want," Fuyuhiko asked.

Hiyoko crossed her arms. "I want to know why the hell you keep checking out my sister!?"

Fuyuhiko's face turned red from anger and embarrassment. "I wasn't checking out your sister god dammit!"

Hiyoko stomped her foot. "I saw you staring at her you idiot! Unless you were looking at me!"

Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes. "You wish I was looking at you."

"Ewww! No I don't," she yelled. "I just want to know why you keep looking at my little sister!"

Kuzuryu stood up. "So what if I was? She's just really pretty, that's all."

The dancer laughed. "Wait, don't tell me you have a crush on her!?"

He tugged at his tie. "N-no....."

"She probably won't like someone like you anyway," Hiyoko giggled. She then ran out of the classroom with the last laugh.

Fuyuhiko sighed. "Hiyoko's probably right," he whispered to himself sadly.

Your POV

You were walking home from school when you got asked and unexpected question from Hiyoko. "Hey Y/N?"

"What is it," you asked.

"Do you...... like Fuyuhiko?"

You stopped dead in your tracks. Your face turned pink. "W-why are you wondering?"

She stopped walking and turned around to face you. "Just answer the question."

You looked down at your feet. "Y-yeah. I do actually."

Hiyoko was hoping for a different answer. "Why!?"

"I don't know! I just really like him! I know he seems mean but I promise he's a nice guy," you said defensively.

Your big sister was visibly upset. "He's in the Yakuza! How good can he be!?"

"Why are you even asking," you questioned.

Hiyoko didn't want to tell you. She knew what would happen if she did. As much as she didn't want this outcome, she knew it would be wrong to keep the truth from you. "He likes you Y/N. He has a crush on you."

You felt your heart skip a beat. "A-are you serious?"

Hiyoko pouted. "Yeah. Wish I wasn't though."

You walked closer to your sister. "Hiyoko, do you not want me to date him?"

She began playing with her pigtails. "Not really."

"Why not," you asked. You couldn't find a reason for her to hate him.

"Because he's in the Yakuza Y/N! What if something bad happens to you!? What if he treats you like absolutely garbage and makes you sad!?"

You felt a weak smile form on your face. It was nice to know that your sister cared so much about you. She might seem like a ruthless bully, but deep down she does care about a few people.

You grabbed her hands. "Hiyoko, Fuyuhiko wouldn't do that. I know that you're my big sister, but you have to let me live and learn from my mistakes. If this relationship turns out horrible than I'll break up with him. Ok?"

Hiyoko pulled you into a hug. "Fine. But if he breaks your heart can I bop him in the head?"

You laughed. "Yes, yes you can."

An evil grin formed on her face. "Perfect."

Time Skip

Hiyoko's POV

I walked into school the next day with my sister. Once again, I stayed after class to talk to Fuyuhiko. Y/N left the room and waited outside for me.

"What do you want Hiyoko," Fuyuhiko asked. He was less aggressive then last time. His head was hung low and he seemed almost disappointed.

I took a deep breath. "She likes you."

His head quickly shot up. "What!?"

"I said she likes you! Now go ask her out after to school today! If you don't imma squish you like Mr. Ants."

Fuyuhiko smiled. "Alright, I will." Fuyuhiko was about to run out of the classroom when he stopped at the door way. "Thanks again Hiyoko. I promise I'll treat your sister good."

I scoffed. "Yeah yeah whatever." He then ran away. Maybe he wasn't such a bad person after all.

Your POV

Fuyuhiko told you to wait for him outside after school by the entrance gate. All he said was that he had something to tell you. You didn't know what it was, but you went anyway.

Not to long after you arrived, Fuyuhiko showed up too. He walked up to you with a slightly nervous look on his face.

"Hi Fuyuhiko! What did you want to tell me," you asked happily.

He took a deep breath. "Y/N, I love you. And I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend?"

"I would love to Fuyuhiko."

He smiled and pulled you into a kiss. You happily kissed him back. You were completely memorized by the kiss. You both pulled away, ending the perfect moment.

"Can you two stop making out! I want to go home," Hiyoko whined.

You laughed. "I should probably go."

Fuyuhiko blushed. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."

As much as Hiyoko was a pain, she did set you up with your crush. In your eyes, she was a great sister and an even better friend.

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