V. Tied Together With A Smile

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  The drive remained silent. She didn't know why she agreed to this. There was something about Harry that triggered her to say yes instead of declining him. She either made the right decision or the decision that would lead to her once independent life to be broken. She didn't know if she was ready to open her heart for a guy, and certainly she didn't know if she's ready for Harry's supposed love again. Not after what had happened.

   She remembered that they had fought. Neither of them really knew who ended the relationship, for all they know they might still be in the relationship. What the relationship might be, Taylor didn't know. Though Harry's idea of being friends seemed great, up to this point. Actually facing him. Well, she's not technically facing him. More like the road, but still, she's with him now. His presence, although comforting, was unfamiliar. It might be because of their new friendship.

  "What are you thinking, love?" Taylor hadn't realized that her dreamlike state was noticeable. She tried to cover it, to show that she was looking out the window and not thinking, but Harry knew better. Taylor sometimes wished that Harry wasn't so close to her, it would've been easier to start as friends. Not knowing anything about each other. But even with their previous unstable relationship, Harry had dogged up her secrets with ease. It made her nerves tingle thinking about how much she had shared with this once boy turned men.

  "Nothing." Taylor smiled at him, showing that she was, in fact, thinking of nothing.

  "You can't be thinking of nothing."

  "Yes I can. I could be thinking of nothing because I am still thinking of thinking about nothing. That made so much more sense in my head," Taylor had her head in the clouds. There was traffic around them, so it gave time for Harry to look at her. This move made Taylor look at the things surrounding Harry, look at them rather than himself.

  "I was thinking about what we should do today," Harry started, "what about the park?" this got Taylor's attention. She had hoped that Harry would take her somewhere she would like, and while she loved the park, she knew that it was the bloody park. New York's Central Park. Seeing her expression, Harry began to stutter about a going out on a dinner instead. Taylor had stopped him there with a smile.

  "Which park?"

  "Well I was thinking that maybe we could go to a rose garden," this made Taylor's inside churn. She love the rose gardens in New York, but she wasn't sure if she was ready to share the special place with Harry. There was something about rose gardens. Their beautifully coloured roses, which seem to dance with life underneath any weather and withstanding any climate. Their fragrance that filled her nose with a sweet haven feeling. She wasn't sure if she was ready for Harry to know this  because she was scared that he might not understand. Dismiss it as something a girl does and move on, not really understanding why Taylor love rose gardens but would go there anyway to win her over. The thing about some guys, they never really get a lady's level of understanding, and Taylor didn't know if Harry was one of those men.

  "Why a rose garden?"

  "Well, because," Harry was looking at her incredulously, "I heard you once said that you love the rose gardens here in New York."

  Taylor sighed. Of course he did, it was known everywhere. Taylor nodded but Harry seemed to have seen her lack of excitement and pulled over to the nearest cafe, which happened to be Starbucks.

  "Let's get something to eat, I'm hungry. Then we'll come up with a plan for the rest of the day." Taylor nodded, she wanted to explain why she wasn't as excited to go to a rose garden with him. It wasn't that she was tired of rose gardens, she was tired of Harry not understanding her. That seem to be one of the reasons for the downfall of their relationship two years ago. When Harry had broken up with her through the phone, it reminded Taylor of Joe Jonas, at least Harry called her instead of leaving a voice message. Still, it didn't lessen the hurt she felt. Since then, she decided that any man who wanted to be with her, she would decline. She doesn't need a guy because what if her life complete itself? That all she needed in life was herself and real happiness rather than a guy chasing her tail all of the time.

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