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I was slowly awakened by the feeling of the sun warming my face. I reached over to the table beside my bed and checked my phone for the time,10:38. Time to get up, I thought to myself. I got out of my bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
I'll shower after I eat. I think to myself after my stomach growls loudly. I run downstairs to the kitchen, open up my cabinet and grab the closest bowl and a spoon. I grab the milk from the fridge and the lucky charms from my pantry, and I dig in. After I eat I go back upstairs to my bathroom, strip from my clothes,turn on the hot water and step in. I start to wash my hair and notice that my hair dye is still fading. My hair is naturally brown and super curly, but since high school it's been almost every color of the rainbow. But right now it's a nice natural looking dark brown, and before this, it was dip dyed green.
My eyes are a light hazel color, and I have tan California girl skin. After my shower I go dry off my body and wrap my towel around my hair, I put on my bra and undies and put on some dark washed skinny jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt. just then my sister Melanie walked into the kitchen, "Do you want pancakes?"
"I DO" We hear my sister Aubrey scream from her bedroom. We start making the pancakes and Aubrey comes into the kitchen sporting some amazing bed head. "How many do you want?" Melanie asks me.
"Just three please." I reply vacantly.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked me in a serious tone, apparently noticing that I'd completely zoned out.
"Just really excited for the concert," I answer excitedly.
I grab my phone from my room and start playing some music, chandelier by Sia was first on my playlist. We had decided we were going to leave around 3:30 because we wanted to beat the crowd, and the traffic. I checked the time ,1:45 , wow what happened to the time? I thought to myself. While my sisters were getting ready for the concert I decided to kill some time on tumblr. Every now and then I would get a tweet from 5SOS talking about how exciting it is that they sold out the forum two nights in a row. I quickly looked at the time again, 2:39, oh man we should just leave now! "Hey guys!!" I call to them.
"What's up?" Melanie asks,
"Do you guys just want to leave now?"
"Yes!" Aubrey replies enthusiastically.
"Ok then pack the car and we'll be on our way!" I tell them. After we packed up the car with snacks and sodas, we all got into my outlander and headed off to the forum.

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