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The barista stared at me and waited like he'd asked me something, "I'm sorry?" I said and he asked me again what did I want. "Uhhh a venti salted caramel frap please." I replied with out thinking. My mind was stuck on the fact that we were in the same Starbucks as 5sos. Oh my god. What do I do. Do I ignore them . Do I go say hi. "Hey I was just at your concert I love you."? Would that work? Ugh. I'm pulled from my thoughts by the voice of the barista once telling me my total. I pull out my debit card and hand it to him,and I pay for our drinks. We grab our drinks and we sit down because Aubrey needed to use the bathroom, and I hear them talking about something. "Hey I think those girls were at the concert, I saw their sign." Ash says, oh my god oh my god he remembered the sign!!!! My heart fluttered a little and Aubrey returns from the bathroom, and we get up to leave when I feel a hand on my arm. It's too big to be one of my sisters and were the only other ones in the place, I turn around and look into some beautiful hazel eyes. It's Ashton. My heart stops. And then starts up again when he tries to talk to me and I don't catch it. "What? I'm sorry, I didn't catch that." I say quickly. He does that adorable laugh and repeats " I said I remembered your sign. And I wanted to know what your shirts say."
"We!" Mikey corrects as he walks up behind Ashton watching me intently. "Whatever. We wanted to know what they say." He says feigning annoyance." Um when they're together they say we love 5sos." I say quietly, and Melanie and Aubrey stand there just as shocked as I am. " Can we see them?" He asks and we nod slowly. "Did you guys make these?" Mike asks and I go speechless. "Yeah we did!" Melanie says quickly to cover up my embarrassment. "They're nice." He says and smiles at me. I swear I almost melted. Oh my god he's gorgeous, "thank you" I answer shakily. "You guys seem cool, do you guys have twitters?" Michael asked. "Yeah I do, but they're never on theirs." I say to Michael "Well we can still follow you." He smiles. Oh god if he keeps doing that I'm going to melt. He looks at me straight in the eyes and I quickly look away as I feel my cheeks heat up. We give them our twitter names and I say "well we have to go if we're going to make it home alive." The guys all nod and then ash asks "How far away do you guys live?" "About and hour or so." I tell him. "Oh so it's not that far." I'm still in shock and the guys all get up and give us hugs and say goodbye and we walk out. "Did that really just happen??" I ask out loud still not believing what happened. I get in my car,and turn on the engine and I get 5 new twitter notifications. I check them and it's everyone in 5sos that requested to follow me," Yep that really happened." We get on the freeway and head home.

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