let me out - jonghyun

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"smooth mf ; siyeon"

⇢ hello, i hate people 


did smtn happen

⇢ just my homophobic dad being an ass

fuck homophobes

⇢ fr tho

⇢ fuck people in general

⇢ the people i message are the only people i tolerate/like

a whole ass mood

⇢ anyways babe what youve been up to

not much

ive been practicing my dance routine

and rewatching fairy tail bc why not

⇢ omg you'd get along well with my friend yoobin

⇢ she's a dancer and she loves animes.

⇢ i think shes obsessed w/ one piece

can i marry her

⇢ i thought you loved me ;(

i dont even know you

⇢ ok fine, but you dont know yoobin either

true, but then let me know you

⇢ wow babe love me already?

do you want me to?

because if you don't tell me about yourself i won't know

⇢ ok ok ok im lee siyeon, 24 years old, i sing, i like hanging out with my friends, i go to a lot of concerts, and i work at a small cafe.

⇢ its a really cute cafe and my friend yoobin and handong help me there

i love cafes and coffee in general

i hate cheese tho

⇢ i love cheese :(

⇢ cheese didn't deserve this disrespect ;'(

i don't wanna bug in but what'd your dad do to annoy you or make u sad

⇢ basically i was just sitting and watching my favorite group dreancatcger's fancams and my dad came in (to my apartment like sir who let you?) and then he saw i was watching videos of girls and he was like "Why are you doing that, why dont you look at boy groups. huh?! are you one of those disgusting women." and at this point i was crying 

⇢ and then he kept going on and on about how i shouldn't have cut my hair and how i shouldnt have dyed it because now apparently only lesbians dye their hair blue? anyways i just ran to yoobin's house and played with her dog. and she knew what happened because i told her on the phone.

⇢ so then i took a nap on her bed while she was making me cookies. 


your dad is an ass 

⇢ i know :'(

⇢ i should change my lock or take away his keys

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