oh my god - (g)i-dle

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- this is gonna be changlix 💖


after that eventful entrance. changbin put on slippers that were left at the front and felix came out of his sister's room.

"hi, sorry, my sisters really loud" he apologized

"it's okay, you're just as loud. im used to it" changbin said. felix pretended he was stabbed in the heart, then they both went into sua and felix's shared room. 

"thats a lot of dreancatcger posters" changbin said

"theyre my sisters but i dont mind them" after recieving a nod from changbin felix continued, "do you wanna make hot chocolate. we have marshmallows too" 

"ooh yeah."

then felix got a call from jisung and his "what is love?" ringtone started playing. he quickly pressed the power button, shutting his phone up.

"i knew it" changbin said

"knew what" felix asked, still embarrassed.

"that you're a once."

felix then raised his hoodie, revealing his twice t-shirt. "yeah, a really big one"

" thats so cute" he replied. 

with red cheeks, felix grabbed changbins hand and dragged him to the kitchen. then he took out a pot and started heating up milk.

"do you want the pink mug or the purple mug?" felix asked 

"the purple one" 

when they went back to the room changbin sat on the bed and felix sat in front of him on the floor, both facing the TV ( so that felix's head was right next to changbins hands if that makes sense. )

"what do you wanna watch. an anime or a comedy?" changbin asked

"both, we should watch saiki k." 


they got through about 6 episodes and every time nendo would do something stupid changbin would say "thats something you would do yongbok".

it was about 5:30 PM now. they decided to order fried chicken and felix texted sua telling her they have chicken at home. 


"hey my brother has fried chicken at home, u wanna go" sua asked siyeon

"yeah, ive been craving it"

"ok, can i borrow a hoodie tho, its kinda cold." 

"sure, almost everything in that closet is a hoodie" siyeon told her. after wearing siyeon's hoodie sua looked so small because siyeon is almost two whole sizes larger than her. 


it was 5:45 PM when the chicken came, felix and changbin were just casually talking. they ate half the chicken they ordered and then went on the couch to relax. eventually it escalated and felix was sitting on changbins lap. they were facing each other. changbin leaned in, so did felix and their lips met. it became a heated makeout session when the door opened. 

"damn i know i told you to use protection but i didnt think youd actually need my advice" sua said. she wasnt mad or anything, in fact she was happy for felix. 

they quickly pulled away from each other. then, siyeon poked her head in and said "i heard there's chicken". sua burst into laughter and they both walked into the kitchen to eat, leaving changbin and felix in the living room embarrassed. when they finished eating the girls sat on the floor and changlix sat next to each other on the couch.

"do you guys wanna watch a movie" sua asked

"yes please im so bored" felix answered

"ok, you guys can choose the movie but dont start until jiu and yoohyeon come, theyre like 3 minutes away."

while they argued about which movie to watch sua and siyeon were getting comfortable on the floor. they got 2 blankets, put the thicker one on the floor and the soft one on top of them. the door opened and jiyoo came in with two big bags that said h&m and one medium sized bag. 

"is that food" siyeon asked 

"its chips and candy but you guys dont get until we're at least 20 minutes into the movie. it took them about 10 minutes but they all finally got settled. jiu and yoohyeon sat on the beanbag together.

the movie started playing and it was a comedy, everyone was satisfied but then 20 minutes passed and they all attacked the snacks. within 10 minutes everything was gone. during the movie changbin unconsciously put his hand on felix's thigh. ( i put my hands on my friend's thighs all the time, is that weird? ) 

when they finished the movie it was 9 PM and jiu looked outside. it was raining cats and dogs.

"i think you guys should stay here for the night. siyeon can sleep with sua and we'll pull felix's bed out and you two can sleep here. it's raining too hard and it's too dark" jiu told them

"i mean i wasnt really planning on going home" siyeon laughed

changbin said "yeah sure, i just have to tell my mom"

finally the day finished with suayeon sleeping next to each other, changlix spooning in the middle of the living room and jiyoo hiding in the kitchen eating their cake.


- hellooooo. tysm for 1.9 k reads, that makes me so happy.💖💖💖💖💖

i havent been able to update cause my sisters laptop broke and she had to study so shes been using mine. she got a new one today tho.

 - also if anyone was wondering the umbrellas dont actually have anything to do with the story, i just thought the emojis looked cute

 - also if anyone was wondering the umbrellas dont actually have anything to do with the story, i just thought the emojis looked cute

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^ im so proud of this akdjfalksdjf

i made it because oh my god just amazed me so much its so cool. do you guys like it?

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