eight - iu (ft/prod. suga)

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when they woke up it was already nighttime. siyeon didn't wanna go home or to work, she just wanted to spend more time with sua. also, she faced the problem of her father. what would he say about them? she was planning on not telling him but siyeon knew her dad too well. he would always bug into her business and he was so focused on bringing her a man to marry, he wouldn't take into consideration her own feelings. 

of course siyeon knew that he did love her but he was taking things way too far and she had to stop him.  sua went to use the bathroom and siyeon decided she would tell her father and try to reason with him.

when sua came back they talked about random things like what the best type of meat is, which fast food has the best fries, where the best place to vacation is, who decided to count by tens and not 12s. an hour passed and all they did was talk

eventually siyeon decided she'd go home and wash up so she could go to work. they said bye and when siyeon made it home she quickly took a shower and then walked into the kitchen. there was a bag of food and a note that said "hi siyeon, im gonna go on vacation with your dad for 2 weeks. i tried to call but you didn't pick up so heres some food. try not to miss us too much. - ur mom"

in a way siyeon was relieved, she could hold off telling her dad for a while but at the same time she was worried the long break would make her hesitant to do it. either way she had barely any time so she put on some clothes and started walking to work. the cafe had barely any people but siyeon loved it.

even when it was crowded, the smell of coffee and the happy faces would make her day ten times better. when it wasn't crowded she'd usually play slower songs, sit down at the chair and just look out the window.

some people would view it as unproductive but for siyeon it felt so nice. she'd open the windows and let the breeze hit her face. when she would have customers she'd be as friendly as possible and treat them well. if she was feeling nice that day she might even toss in a small muffin for free. 

siyeon enjoyed her life, it was great, with sua now she felt like she had it all. eventually the time came to close the shop. instead, siyeon didn't close it and continued staring out the window. she had barely any costumers in the few hours she was working and even if she did it was no problem. 

it was about 30 minutes after she shouldve closed the shop when a little surprise came. sua walked in and said "i went to your house but you weren't there so i figured you were here." 

"oh hello, you missed me that much already" siyeon said with a wink.

"how could i not miss my girlfriend" 

"you asked me to be your girlfriend yesterday" 

"but you said yes so you're my girlfriend and im allowed to miss you" sua replied and then sat next to siyeon, who wrapped her arm around sua's waist.  sua leaned her head on siyeon's shoulder and they sat there for a while, not speaking, just enjoying the view of the night slowly turning into day. soon enough handong came in to open the shop.

"oh what are you doing here, you were supposed to close" she asked

"yeah, but i didn't feel like it. its not like anyone came in either way"

"we can switch shifts today if you want, i was gonna ask dami but since you're here do you want to "


handong left and sua and siyeon stayed there for a bit longer until sua had to leave. they said bye and siyeon went to the cashier as she started to get more customers. 


lol this took me about 5 days to write. handong made me watch youth with you and now i keep getting ywy stages reccomended on youtube and these performances are making me so gay i love it.

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