these nights - rich brian + chungha

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"smooth mf; siyeon"

⇢ hey, im tired

well its 3 am, who isn't

⇢ usually i can last till 4 :'(

but thats not healthy 

⇢ i have really late shifts at the cafe

⇢ you don't know how many people come in at 12 for coffee we only close early today

i do know

because at 12 im someone whos running for coffee

⇢ whY DUDE

⇢ just sleep

but i dont wanna 

⇢ why not 

i feel like everyone is asleep then so i can finally have some free time

⇢ you don't live alone?

no, i live with my friend minji and her girlfriend yoohyeon

⇢ oh yeah

⇢ you never told me your name

its SuA

well, not rlly but i go by sua

⇢ thats cute

⇢ both our names start with s ;)


⇢ doesn't it feel awkward because your third wheeling?

not rlly

ive known them for so long its kinda normal now

⇢ next time the gray-haired (well now blonde) girl comes in ill ask her to bring her friends

im so confused

yoohyeon barely even drinks coffee?

⇢ yeah she usually just gets a hot chocolate or iced tea.


i love iced coffee

but at the same time hot coffee is so good

⇢ i agree, like i could go for a cup of either at any time

now i want coffee

im gonna make a cup of coffee

⇢ soudns good, i probably wont

⇢ ive had enough coffee for today


should i make an espresso, cappucino, or just regular coffee

⇢ a cappucino cause they dont have as much caffeine and its 3.15 am

good idea

i always put vanilla in my cappucinos

my mom used to make fun of me for that

⇢ adklsdlkfldsk my mom made fun of me for everything i did


⇢ yeah, now she's gotten used to how weird i am

⇢ i love my mom so much tho, whenever my dad does something shitty she'll stand up for me

⇢ also, when i came out to her she supported me and she promised she'd never tell my dad

shes so sweet 

wow shes amazing

⇢ i know :')

⇢ anyways im rlly tired so i'll go to sleep now


bye bye <3


please vote and comment it makes me very happy and also please point out any mistakes there are 💖

i was also watching a video of jim and dwight from the office while writing the last part

i'll try to prewrite the next chapter so i can have it up by tomorrow lmao dsjfladskjflskdj

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