home - seventeen

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the second sua got home she was attacked by three individuals. the first thing she saw was red, jiu's hair was right in her face. after about 30 seconds her housemates and brother finally calmed down.

"so what happened?"

"why were you out so late?"

"who were you with?"

the questions continuously hit her at once.

"i was out with my friend siyeon and im out late because i had dinner with her." she answered all the questions at once.

everyone was so surprised. sua? sua going out with someone?

sua going out (if not for work or dance) was a shock already but now she went out with someone and stayed that long.

"so who is she" minji asked. she was never actually gonna let sua breathe until she knew everything about this "siyeon". 

"i met her because she randomly texted me. we've been talking for a few months now".

"and you didn't tell us about this?" minji followed up. "yoohyeon, can you believe this at all?"

yoohyeon's face quickly turned from a small smirk to a shocked expression.

"not at all, our sua has finally found someone. now she won't have to third wheel" yoohyeon said as she wiped a fake tear. 

the whole time sua's brother was speechless.

finally, they all settled down and minji asked for a picture of siyeon.

sua showed them the picture of her with blue hair and minji showed the slightest hint of a smirk.


the story was different with siyeon

the second she got home there was one face staring at her. siyeon's father had allowed himself into her apartment when she wasn't home and he was curious. siyeon also never went out unless it was for vocal lessons or the cafe so he knew something was happening. 

"where were you and with who?" he asked her with the possibly the scariest face siyeon had ever seen.

"i was at the cafe with a friend"

"interesting how you stay at a cafe for over 3 hours"

"yeah we went to mcdonalds after the cafe" she replied. siyeon was starting to get annoyed. who was he to just walk into her apartment, interrogate her about who she was with, and of course if she even mentioned she was with a girl he would get mad and start yelling at her.

"who were you with"

"i dont see why that should matter to you" she said with sass

"im your father, whether you like it or not so you better respond to me" he was of course starting to get mad.

they then heard the door open, thankfully siyeon's mother came in. her mother could calm down her dad in a matter of seconds. it was amazing.

"hey guys i brought food" she said carrying a pie of pizza.

"thanks mom but im gonna go to sleep, bye bye." siyeon said as she walked to her bedroom not looking at her father even once.


once her parents finished eating siyeon went out into the kitchen for water. she let out a small gasp when she saw her mother still there.

"so what happened today" her mother asked, "usually you're always hungry for pizza."

"yeah, dad ruined my mood and i was full."

"how did he ruin your mood and what did you eat?"

"i was out with my friend and he kept asking me questions about who it was and he just wouldn't let it go." siyeon answered, "oh yeah i got coffee and mcdonalds"

"i see you make very healthy decisions siyeon" 

"mom you literally walked into my apartment with a pie of pizza i dont think you should be talking" siyeon jokingly responded.

"you really got me there."

siyeon's mother knew how to make siyeon feel better in a matter of seconds.

they spent the next 30 minutes drinking tea and talking about siyeon's "date" with sua. then siyeon looked at the clock and realized "shit, today is friday. i have a shift in like 15 minutes" she proceeded to get up, and run to the cafe. when she got there dami was waiting at the door "wow you were 2 minutes late. thats a record. your last earliest time was 5 minutes late congrats." they both shared a quick laugh and siyeon started her shift shortly after.


i feel so bad for not updating before oh my god :(

i was working on this chapter friday night and then i fell asleep in the middle, and then i tried working on it saturday night but i wrote like one sentence before i had to go wash the dishes, then i read a complicated chapter with my sister for her homework but then it was like 3 am (actually 2 am bc of daylight savings) so i fell asleep in like 5 minutes. and now its sunday monring and i have so much to do but i spent 30 minutes finishing this :')

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