wine - suran

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smooth mf

⇢aren't you curious babe

curious about what

⇢ my name ?

⇢ you aren't scared of talking to a random stranger 🕵️‍♀️

your first text towards me was a carly rae jepson song

how bad could you possibly be

⇢ oh babe you haven't even seen the worst of me 😏

well if you want me to know so bad, what's your name ?

⇢ i didn't know you wanted me that bad 

you asked me if i was curious to know your name ??

⇢ good point, my name's lee siyeon but you could call me babe ;)))

the only thing im calling you is creepy

⇢ and here i thought we had something 😓

sorry babe, you thought wrong


⇢ i never in my life thought somebody could make me speechless 

what if i'm a creepy ass 50 year old lady with 10000 cats ?

would that still make you speechless

⇢ cats are the cutest things ever, i wouldn't mind 10000

⇢ and if you're a creepy ass i don't think you'd be able to hold a phone, let alone type

we've got ourselves a smart ass 🤓

⇢ the only ass im gonna be smart in is yours ;))))

that makes no sense

come back when you learn how to speak

⇢ b-but i'm not speaking

⇢ you also asked me to comeback

⇢ implying you like talking to me 


where is the correlation ?

⇢ everywhere, you're just too blind to see it

either flirt with me, or make fun of me

⇢ send a pic and i'll decide

no thanks creepy wo(w)man

⇢ you remembered 

⇢ i feel so honored now 

don't you want to know my name

⇢ wdym?

⇢ i already have one for you ?

now how in the fuck-

⇢ its "babe" 

⇢ have you already forgotten :(

i hate how much that made me panic 

⇢ i can make you panic ?

⇢ helpful info for the future ;))))

what future

the one where i kill you

⇢ your spelling of "fuck" was a bit wrong

you're a bottom ?

you radiate top energy ?

⇢ my siyeon senses are telling me you'd DEFINITELY be the top

well then your siyeon senses aren't wrong

⇢ btw whats my contact name???


⇢ "siyeon ; my future girlfriend"

you were very off

its "smooth mf"

⇢ oh wow 

⇢ i'll take that

you'll take everything

⇢ everything but a dick

i agree ;))



i feel like you could make "smooth mf" either one of them and it would work

also the titles of the chapters are the songs im listening to while writing so theyre usually random because i let spotify play random songs even tho i have premium 

my sister and my mom went to starbucks w/o me ;'). dont u just love being the favorite child

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