love scenario - ikon

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 at around 10 am everyone woke up and went their own ways. its 10:30 and sua is sitting in the kitchen making pancakes. she made everyone one, putting chocolate chips in felix and minji's. today was sua's rest day. she quit a job about a week ago, since felix got one at the mall. after laying down in bed for a while, she remembered something siyeon told her a while back. that she liked to go to concerts. 

sua remembered that dreancactger was holding a concert soon and she decided to look for tickets. she found some for around 100 USD and bought two.


"future gf ; the cutest  😍💖🌈"

11:12 AM

hola message me when you wake up

⇢como estas senorita 

moy bien

ok anyways, i have a surprise for you

⇢ooh a surprise

⇢ is it money, i need money


its not money

⇢ what could possibly be better than money

oh its better than money

but if you want it theres a condition

⇢ what, are you gonna say "you have to be my girlfriend first"


uh oh

i was actually planning on doing that

⇢ i was just jOKING

⇢ i mean thats not even a condition

youre right

⇢ bro even my mom thinks we're dating

your mom is iconic what can i say. 

⇢ yeah so whats the surprise

im not gonna just tell u 

that ruins the whole "surprise" aspect of it

⇢ when are you gonna show me then 😔

idk when are you free next

⇢ dude im literally always free. im either sleeping or at the cafe


are u free rn

⇢ wait 

⇢ im actually going out with yoobin in like 30 minutes i just remembered.

"im literally always free" she said 

⇢  👀 keep this up and i wont agree to being your girlfriend 

as if you'd ever reject my beauty 😉👑

⇢ sounds like im not gonna be free in a long time

🙃forgive me ma'am, for i have wronged

⇢ thats what i thought

⇢ ok i have to go get ready now ajdld

⇢ bye bye 

goodbye, have a nice day with yoobin traitor.


sua smiled at her phone and then got up. she decided she was gonna bake today. but of course she needed someone to annoy as she baked. as she walked into the living room she spotted her prey and jumped ontop of him.

"do you wanna bake with me" she asked strangling her poor brother

"i can't, im going out with my friends" he answered while trying to push her off.

"you have friends?" 

"yes meanie, im going out with minho, jisung, and changbin" 

"okay fine, try not to get too wild with changbin tho" she said, then sua winked and made her way back to the kitchen. she still didn't wanna bake alone so she called her friend lisa

"lalalalalisa; dancing partner👯"

hey what're you up to

nothing much, im pretty bored actually

for real? do you wanna come to my house and bake a cake with me.

sure, but can i bring my girlfriend, she wants to meet my dance friends

of course, but can you bring vanilla extract because we have literally none.

yeah sure

ok then ill see you soon 

yeah, bye bye 


my dads friend works in a grocery store and he brought us a whole ass box just full of sweets. 

also dumhdurum by apink is so good, only queens

anyway, thanks for reading 💖💖

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