TGC Book 2 Chapter 25

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Book 2 Chapter 25

<<< Pepepski >>>


Graf stopped the van as the armed men ran out of the house towards them. "Here we go, baby. Blake held his gun at the ready under a blanket. A man in soldier garb rapped on the window and Graf partially lowered it. "Afternoon sir! You've reached Pepepski. Are you expected?" Graf smiled and nodded. "That we are. We're the Mcnaught Clan." The man smiled. "Colonel Williams said to tell you to kiss his hairy white ass." Graf laughed. "That dirty bastard owes me a bottle of scotch and he wants me to kiss his ass. What has this world come to." The soldier laughed. "I'm just a little soldier doing what I'm told sir and that's beyond my pay grade."

"Stay tuned to the main Pepepski channel to know what's going on." He waved at the other men and the two jumped in a vehicle. "Just follow these guys to headquarters to get your housing setup. Please have your family stay in their vehicles till the guards are out. We've had sick animals trying to get into places and attacks the last two nights. "Graf nodded. "Good to know." Blake hopped on the radio and relayed that they were indeed at Pepepski and the need to stay in the vehicles. "Are we there now Papa Graf?" Graf laughed. "Yes, so we've finally reached Pepepski. Just a little more and we'll be settling into our new house." Rusty giggled. "Do you think they will have food?" Blake snickered and Graf sighed. "I swear you boys have tapeworms!" All four of the boys crept off the floor where they were hiding and into their seats giggling.

"They'll let us keep the pups right Papa Graf?" Graf nodded. "Our pups have already survived the Sickness so we can keep them." Blake's mouth fell open. "Graf, these places are huge!" Graf nodded. "That they are. " He pulled the van into the cul-de-sac and parked where they pointed. Men came out on the porches of the houses with weapons in their hands. The two men jumped out of the truck they had pulled into the driveway of the center house and ran up to the van. "This is headquarters guys! Don't be surprised when you see a bunch of kids and dogs in there. It's also our daycare. Let's get you guys out of the cold. They always have food laid out." The boys cheered. Graf sighed. "We just fed them you know." The man laughed. "I see you have critters! Ask for Grandpa Joe when you get in there. He knows where they hide all the cookies and stuff since he's the biggest snitch."

Graf snickered. "Is it okay that we're armed?" The two men laughed. "Why not everybody else out here is armed. Nobody runs around outside without a weapon at least until we get rid of the sick animals around here. "Graf nodded and eased the van door open. He sent a quick prayer to the creator that this place was for real or he had just led his family into a trap. "Hey, asshole! You and the others going to get in here or are you hoping to make me freeze my balls off out here!" Graf's head snapped up and he smiled at the rough voice of his old commander. Williams was standing up on the porch shivering and waving him in. "Your too damn slow get a move on!"

Graf laughed and waved his people in. Graf herded his boys up the porch stairs and Williams noticed the pups. "Let me call our vet for the dogs." "Janetos covered that already. They all have the rings except most of them are wolf pups, not dogs. We have one hurt adult that needs some doctoring. If you got what he needs to fix him up we'd sure be grateful."Williams nodded. "Hey, Janetos! The house next to this one is the hospital. They got what you need for that wolf over there. See to it and Dai and the kids can stay over here until you're done." William Janetos kissed his mate and grabbed the wolf they'd named Jono and headed for the hospital.

"I can't believe the size of this house. This your place Samson?" Samson laughed. "Hell no! This is where the Brookstones that run the place live." Graf watched kids run by while some others played with some toys on the floor. "Are you sure these critters aren't multiplying when you turn your back?' Joe laughed. "Graf! Damn good to see you made it." Graf and Joe hugged. Graf pulled back from the hug. "You old fart. We tried getting a hold of you but your phone just kept going to voicemail." Joe laughed. "I was homeless. We had a big storm and it dropped a tree on my house. My nephew Ian and his partner took me in. This is critter daycare and some of these running around are my grandbabies."

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