Welcome to Ikebukuro little Flea

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It was the calm before the storm. Izumi just enrolled in Raira Academy on a day all people hated. The day most citizens of the city feared. Izaya calmed down slightly from his shenanigans but not entirely. Shizuo had a deep feeling that something was coming. That Izaya was planning something but what was the question.

Masaomi walked with Mikado to school just like any other day. "Sorry to bother you, but do you know where Raira Acedemy is?" A girl with red eyes and raven black hair asked. She wore the female uniform with a black fur coat over it. The storm just began.

"Why yes we do cutie! I'm Masaomi Kida and this stick fellow is Mikado Ryuugamine."

"Masaomi and Mikado. I will remember those names. My name is Izumi. I would prefer to keep my last name a secret." She said with a straight face.

"Oh the mysterious type! I always love a challenge." Masaomi said. Izumi smirked. "We should get to class." She said and walked with the boys.

Izumi is actually in the same class as the two. The teachers all seemed a little. On edge. "Hello everyone my name is Izumi. Izumi Orihara that is. You may all know my older brother. Izaya Orihara. I am nothing like him and hope to never be like him." The first strike of lightning in the form of a lie.

She lied in such a away it fooled everyone. Only for a little though. Slowly she began to show her true colors.

She was a social butterfly her first two months of school. Always hanging out with everyone and texting them. Then one day she just stopped. She stopped hanging out with everyone and talking to them. Everyone thought this was unusual and that something happened so they left her alone.

That following week, all hell broke loose. Nearly every popular couple in her grade broke apart due to evidence from an unknown source. Next we're friendships. After that people moved away due to family issues. Those where the people who crossed her and accused her.

Izumi skipped with a devilish smirk on her face. She opened her second phone and viewed different security cameras throughout the city. Ikakumi shook her head and smirked.

She cornered a girl with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. "Hello! If you tell me where Miso-chan lives, then I won't let it get out that your other boyfriend is affiliated with the Yellow Scarves. Nor will I tell everyone about the lies you have told. For example, that the baby you live with is your sister not your daughter." Izumi winked.

The girls eyes widened. "F-Fine I'll tell you everything! But who is Mitso-chan?" The girl asked.

Izumi sighed. "Mitsou Heiwajima. He's in our class. A quiet little bugger he is." The girl nodded and wrote down his number and address.

"H-Here! He lives with Shizuo, his oldest brother."

"Good my little puppet. Can't wait to manipulate you more in the future." Izumi winked. She skipped away and found Shizuo throwing a stop sign at her. She dodged and saw her brother run up to her. She chuckled.

"My favorite little human!"

"My favorite god." She smiled and hugged her brother. He patted her back and nodded.

"I'm off to go see Mitsou! Have fun with Shizu-chan big brother." She winked and ran past the raging blonde. She knocked on the apartment door. "Mitso-chan~" Izumi sang from behind the door. Mitsou opened the door quickly. He pulled Izumi in and hugged her tightly.

"Aww did my little Mitso-Chan miss me that much. My favorite puppet." She purred with her arms around his neck. He placed his arms around her waist. They shared a quick kiss. Which became more heated as they continued. Mitsou picked the raven haired girl up and held her thighs. He carried her to his bed and threw her in it. As she unbuttoned her shirt Mitsou grabbed a small golden packaged from his dresser. He also grabbed a gun. When he came back Izumi held her switchblade opened. Mitsou smirked and pointed the gun at her.

"Aww babe. Your wearing the really lacy bra I got you~" Mitsou cooed at her.

"And your wearing the boxers I got you." She smiled. They took a minute before beginning the brawl. Mitsou shot at Izumi a couple of times while she hit the deck. She ran at him with her knife. Mitsou then took out his knife and the two began to slash at each other.

Then they finished they were both covered in cuts and naked. The couple shrugged and threw down their weapons. Mitsou kissed Izumi lustfully and pushed her on his bed. He pinned her down and kissed down her body. The front door slammed shut. The teenage couple sighed. Mitsou put his pants back on and Izumi put her jacket back on.

Shizuo opened his brother's door. He saw Izumi with her back to him. She sat on Mitsou's lap as he played video games. Shizuo gave him a skeptical look.

"So that's your girlfriend?" Shizuo asked. Mitsou nodded. Shizuo noticed the fur in the coat. He shifted her so Shizuo can't see the fur.

Shizuo gave a suspicious look. "You should introduce her. I would love to talk to the girl you've been talking about non stop."

"Can't, shes asleep."

"When she wakes up invite her to dinner." Shizuo said. Mitsou cursed to himself but nodded.

Shizuo closed the door. "Aww Mitso-chan lied for me. I feel so loved and honored."

"We have to change how your look or you will get seriously hurt!"

"Finnnneeeee!" Izumi groaned. She crawled under his bed and grabbed blue contacts. She put on circle glasses. She took off her jacket and tied it around her waist. She opened Mitsou's closet and grabbed a white tank top. She pulled on a red frilly skirt and pulled on knee high socks.

Mitsou stared at her. He grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. "Since when did you put your stuff in my room?"

"The last time I was here."

"I thought you didn't know where I lived."

"Oh I do. I just wanted to scare someone today. I've snuck into your house numerous times. You need better locks." She yawned. Mitsou chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Your starting to sound like your brother."

"What's new babe?" She asked with a smirk.

"Alright let's go have dinner with my brother." Mitsou sighed and grabbed her hand.

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